892 Results

Ontario Tables Omnibus Healthcare Bill

On September 27, 2017, the Ontario government tabled Bill 160, Strengthening Quality and Accountability for Patients Act, 2017, omnibus legislation which addresses the delivery of healthcare services in Ontario. If passed, Bill 160 would create the following statutes: The Health Sector Payment Transparency Act, which would require disclosure of information about financial relationships within the…

Back to School Edition – Student-Focused Case Law and Legislative Update

Welcome back to school! We hope everyone enjoyed a restful summer season. To kick off the school year, we bring you the latest edition of our School Board Update with particular emphasis on legislation and decisions involving the student body…

Change on the Horizon: Ontario Pension Plan Funding Reform is Coming Soon

Earlier this year, the Ontario government announced proposed reforms to pension plan funding that will have a significant impact on employers and plan administrators with plans registered in Ontario. These changes are expected to be part of the government’s Fall agenda, and will be of particular interest to employers who provide single employer defined benefit (DB) pension plans or participate in multi-employer pension plans (MEPPs) in Ontario.

Human Rights Update 2017
L’état des droits de la personne en 2017

Overview Aperçu Employers have faced a steady stream of challenges in recent years in managing human rights issues in the workplace. The law imposes considerable obligations on employers, and there are seldom easy answers when difficulties arise. Join George Vuicic and Anne Lemay as they lead a lively presentation and discussion on the most significant…

Proposed Data Breach Regulations Under PIPEDA Published

On September 2, 2017, the federal government published the proposed regulatory text of the Breach of Security Safeguards Regulations (Regulations) made under the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). Interested persons have been invited to make representations on the Regulations. As previously reported, amendments to the PIPEDA enacted by the Digital Privacy Act…

Bill 148 and Pay Equity: A Changing Landscape and Increasing Scrutiny of Ontario Employers

As part of the 30th anniversary of the Pay Equity Act (Act), the Pay Equity Office has implemented several new initiatives in 2017 in support of its mandate to administer and enforce the Act. These initiatives, coupled with pending legislative changes under Bill 148, present significant changes and potential risks to employers across the province.

Ontario’s New Child and Family Services Framework is Coming Soon

As we previously reported, the Ontario government introduced Bill 89, the Supporting Children, Youth and Families Act, 2016 (Bill 89), omnibus legislation repealing the current Child and Family Services Act, and enacting new legislation in its place. Bill 89 received Royal Assent on June 1, but is not yet in force. Certain amendments to the…