New Private Member Bill Proposes “Card Check” Unionization, First Contract Arbitration Model for Ontario

On April 4, 2017, the New Democratic Party (NDP) of Ontario introduced private member legislation that would amend the Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act) to bring “card check” union certification back to Ontario for the first time since 1995, and to implement a new first contract arbitration process. It is important to note that private…

Bill 92, School Boards Collective Bargaining Amendment Act, 2017, Receives Royal Assent

On March 27, 2017, Bill 92, School Boards Collective Bargaining Amendment Act, 2017, received Royal Assent. The Bill amends the School Boards Collective Bargaining Act, 2014 and reforms the collective bargaining framework in the education sector. Amendments include, among other things, making central bargaining a mandatory component of collective bargaining and permitting an employer bargaining…

Leaves of Absence, Procedural Matters and More

In this latest edition of our School Board Update, we are bringing you summaries of three recent cases which will be of interest. They deal with abuse of process at arbitration, entitlement of part-time and custodial employees to miscellaneous leaves, and the balancing of religious freedom with other statutory requirements…

Ontario Proposes Key Reforms to the Framework for Collective Bargaining in the Education Sector

Significant proposed reforms to the existing framework for collective bargaining in the education sector may change the way school boards and unions negotiate agreements – and could impact the outcomes achieved at the table. Find out what may be in store…

Arbitrator Rules That He Has No Jurisdiction Over ETFO Central Grievance Concerning Report Cards

In a significant decision, Arbitrator Hayes has concluded that, as a Central Arbitrator, he does not have jurisdiction under the central terms of the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO) collective agreements to consider a grievance concerning a school board’s instructions to teachers regarding the preparation of report cards…