Enjoying a Safe Holiday Office Party

Once again, the holiday season is upon us and it is that time of year when employers begin to plan for seasonal and holiday celebrations. Whether these celebrations are large or small, it is important that employers take proactive steps to ensure the health and safety of their employees who attend office parties or other…

Improperly Sent Email Has Legal Consequences For Employer

In a fast-paced workplace, misdirected emails can easily happen and may occasionally result in an embarrassing disclosure of information to the wrong person.  A recent decision of the Divisional Court confirms that the inadvertent email can also result in significant legal consequences for employers. In Fernandes v. Marketforce Communications, the employer forwarded the email of a…

Helping Families in Need Act Reported Back to House of Commons

On November 2, 2012, Bill C-44, Helping Families in Need Act, was reported back to the House of Commons without amendment by the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities. As previously reported, if passed Bill C-44 will, among other things, make certain amendments to the…

Second Federal Omnibus Budget Bill Tabled

On October 18, 2012, the federal government tabled Bill C-45, Jobs and Growth Act, 2012, the second omnibus budget bill giving effect to the initiatives found in its Budget 2012, Economic Action Plan 2012 – A Plan for Jobs, Growth and Long-term Prosperity. If passed, Bill C-45 will, among other things: amend the rules applicable…

Hicks Morley Introduces Case Law Blog

Hicks Morley is pleased to announce the launch of Case In Point, a blog designed to provide human resources professionals with timely information about interesting case law developments in a range of employment-related areas. In this FTR Now, we highlight the features of this new service. BACKGROUND In 2010, Hicks Morley launched Human Resources Legislative…

Ontario Legislature Prorogues

On October 15, 2012, Ontario Premier McGuinty announced his resignation and as well the Ontario Legislature prorogued. As a result of the prorogation, all outstanding business before the Legislature, including all government and Private Members’ Bills, “died” on the Order Paper. All Committee work has also ended. For more information on the prorogation, and especially…

Helping Families in Need Act Passes Second Reading, Referred to Committee

On October 2, 2012, Bill C-44, Helping Families in Need Act, passed Second Reading and was referred to the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities. As previously reported, among other things Bill C-44, if passed, will make certain amendments to the Employment Insurance Act and…

Premier McGuinty Announces His Resignation and Prorogues the Legislature

In an unexpected development, Premier McGuinty announced yesterday that he will be resigning as Premier of Ontario and as leader of the Ontario Liberal party. Premier McGuinty also announced that he asked the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario to prorogue the Legislature, which now appears to have occurred. While both announcements will come as a surprise…