Affordable Housing Legislation (Bill 140) Passes Third Reading

On April 19, 2011, Bill 140, the Strong Communities Through Affordable Housing Act, carried at Third Reading after being reported with amendments by the Standing Committee on Justice Policy. When proclaimed in force, Bill 140 will repeal the Social Housing Reform Act, 2000 and enact the Housing Services Act, 2010. As previously reported, the legislation…

There is Nothing Common About a Constructive Dismissal

In the first case of its kind, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice has denied a motion for certification of a class action for constructive dismissal on the basis that it lacked the essential element of commonality. The decision has very significant implications for employers, particularly in the context of employers’ approaches to managing and…

Mandatory Retirement Legislation For Firefighters Introduced (Age 60)

On Monday, April 18, 2011, the Honourable Charles Sousa, Ontario’s Minister of Labour, introduced Bill 181, the Fire Protection and Prevention Amendment Act, 2011. If passed, Bill 181 will amend the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997 in two significant areas. First, it will create a framework for addressing the issue of mandatory retirement for…

Mandatory Retirement Legislation For Firefighters Introduced (Age 60)

On April 18, 2011, the Ontario government introduced Bill 181, the Fire Protection and Prevention Amendment Act, 2011, legislation that would, if passed, amend the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997 to provide for the mandatory retirement at age 60 of firefighters regularly assigned to fire suppresion duties, in certain circumstances. In addition, the legislation…

Good Government Act Receives Royal Assent

On March 30, 2011, Bill 110, the Good Government Act, received Royal Assent. As previously reported, the Good Government Act is omnibus legislation that makes a number of amendments to various statutes, including several which are employment-related. The Act should be consulted for coming into force information.

Ontario Budget 2011 – Highlights for Employers

INTRODUCTION On March 29, 2011, the Honourable Dwight Duncan, Ontario’s Minister of Finance, tabled the government’s 2011 Budget, “Turning the Corner to a Better Tomorrow”, before the Legislature and simultaneously introduced omnibus legislation amending a variety of statutes to implement some of these initiatives through Bill 173, the Better Tomorrow for Ontario Act (Budget Measures),…

Ontario 2011 Budget Bill Introduced

On March 29, 2011, the Ontario government introduced Bill 173, the Better Tomorrow for Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2011 (PDF), omnibus legislation amending a variety of statutes to implement certain initiatives outlined in the 2011 Ontario Budget tabled on that date. Highlights in Bill 173 of interest to employers include: amendments to the Pension Benefits…

Court of Appeal Recognizes Employee Privacy Rights in Work Computer Subject to Employer Policy and Procedure

One week ago, the Ontario Court of Appeal issued a judgement that is very significant for its consideration of an employee’s expectation of privacy in personal information stored on a work computer. In R. v. Cole, the Court recognized an expectation of privacy in the specific circumstances of the case, but also demonstrated a willingness…

Federal Parliament Dissolved; Writs of Election Issued

On March 26, 2011, Parliament was proclaimed dissolved following adoption of a motion of non-confidence in the House of Commons. As a result, all outstanding business before the House, including all government and Private Members’ Bills, expired on the Order Paper. At the present time, Parliament is scheduled to reconvene on May 30, 2011, following…