
This session focuses on recognizing, addressing and responding to discrimination in the workplace. Discrimination in the workplace is multi-faceted (including direct, indirect, and systemic discrimination, unconscious bias, microaggressions, retaliations and reprisals, conduct by exclusion and abuse of authority). Without proper identification, discrimination cannot be appropriately addressed and combatted. This session will provide attendees with the tools necessary to identify the various types of discrimination at play in the workplace, and will provide legal and practical takeaways and best practices for responding proactively and reactively.

Speaking Engagement

George Vuicic and Nigel McKechnie will present a legal update to help navigate challenges affecting the manufacturing sector. They will discuss topics including taxable allocation of settlements, termination and severance amounts, understanding the requirements regarding workplace harassment and investigations, and recent changes to the Employment Standards Act, 2000.


Managing mental health issues in the workplace poses a considerable challenge to employers, who are often required to navigate difficult questions around employee privacy, employment preferences, and workplace rules and expectations with the duty to accommodate. Join us as we discuss the legal obligations that arise when working to accommodate employee mental health concerns and the best practices to keep in mind as they relate to accommodating mental health in the workplace.

Speaking Engagement

Employment law is always evolving. Every year sees a raft of new decisions from all levels of court as well as a number of legislative initiatives. At this year’s event, Elisha Jamieson-Davies will co-present a session titled, “Class Action Matters.”