Appeal Court Rules on Termination Clauses and Proper “Failsafe” Language

The differing interpretations by the courts of employment contract provisions which limit entitlements upon termination has caused considerable confusion of late. The Ontario Court of Appeal has rendered a helpful decision which may serve to lessen some of the confusion. The Court reversed a lower court decision and found that a clause in an employment…

Must Exercise Termination Rights Under Independent Contractor Agreement in Good Faith, Appeal Court Rules

In the recent case Mohamed v. Information Systems Architects Inc., the Ontario Court of Appeal determined that the appellant company failed to exercise its termination rights under an Independent Consulting Agreement (ICA) in good faith. As a result, they were liable to pay to the independent contractor (respondent) the amount owing for the remainder of…

New Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017 in Force July 1, 2018: What Employers Should Know

On July 1, 2018, the Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017 (SFO Act) and accompanying regulation will come into force. It was enacted as part of the omnibus Bill 174, Cannabis, Smoke-Free Ontario and Road Safety Statute Law Amendment Act, 2017. The SFO Act repeals and replaces the Electronic Cigarettes Act, 2015 and the Smoke-Free Ontario Act (Earlier Acts), consolidating many provisions of those two statutes into one place. It also contains new requirements for employers and others.

Update on Personal Emergency Leave in the Municipal Sector

The introduction of two paid personal emergency leave (PEL) days to the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (ESA) has revived the debate about whether collective agreements or policies provide a Greater Right or Benefit (GROB), or alternatively, whether entitlements under the collective agreement or policies can be offset against the PEL entitlement. The first arbitration case since the paid entitlements were introduced (from Arbitrator Mitchnick) has brought an interesting twist to the debate.

Ontario Implements Anti-Racism Act Regulations

On April 20, 2018, the Ontario government filed regulations under the Anti-Racism Act, 2017 (ARA) setting out personal information that certain public sector organizations (PSOs) will be authorized or required to collect under the ARA for the purpose of eliminating systematic racism.

Ontario Budget Bill Passes

On May 8, 2018, Bill 31, the Plan for Care and Opportunity Act (Budget Measures), 2018, passed Third Reading and received Royal Assent. As previously reported, Bill 31 is omnibus legislation implementing some of the key initiatives outlined in the government’s 2018 Budget. Bill 31 makes the following pension-related changes: Increases Pension Benefits Guarantee Fund…