Human Resources Professionals Association – Peel Chapter: Legal Updates 2023

Navigating uncertain times requires knowledge and understanding of current legal trends. In this half-day session, Nadine Zacks, Njeri Damali Sojourner-Campbell and Colleen Nevison will discuss new legislation such as disconnecting from work and legislative changes for federally regulated employers, post-pandemic protocols such as remote work and hybrid work, and other subjects of interest including terminations, human rights and vaccine mandates.

Provincial Network on Developmental Services: 2023 DS HR Forum

As one of the featured lawyers speaking at the forum, Charles Hofley will discuss key topics in HR including artificial intelligence, bargaining trends and current labour relations, arbitration and human rights issues in the developmental services sector.

County of Carleton Law Association: Ottawa Eight-Minute Employment Lawyer

The County of Carleton Law Association’s newly extended Ottawa Eight-Minute Employment Lawyer program is designed for all lawyers with an interest in learning about the latest in employment law, whether they practise exclusively or only occasionally in this area of law. At this year’s event, Siobhan O’Brien has written a paper and will present a session titled, “Electronic Monitoring, Privacy, and Employment Law.”