Successfully represented a hospital in a judicial review application related to interpretation of a collective agreement.

Assisted school board clients in successful application to the Ontario Labour Relations Board in respect of an unlawful strike.

Successfully defended a not-for-profit legal clinic at a labour arbitration alleging wrongful dismissal.

Ongoing representation of municipalities (all sizes) in their inside/outside, fire and EMS collective bargaining and interest arbitrations.

Successfully argued an interim decision before the Ontario Labour Relations Board permitting a construction client to maintain counsel of its choice for the duration of the hearing.

Successfully defended a school board at labour arbitration in a case involving its denial of an employee’s request to take a paid “religious Holy Day” in order to attend a religious convention.

Counsel to a gaming facility in its first contract negotiations and in respect of all labour and employment matters.

Lead counsel in multiple Applications for Certification in the hospitality and gaming industry.

Counsel to various companies in connection with the labour and employment aspects regarding the sale of their businesses.

Counsel to a national media and communications company in respect of all of its employment and labour-related matters.