Jurisdiction of an Arbitrator to Examine Procedures Issued by the Chief of Police

In two recent decisions involving the Toronto Police Services Board (“TPSB”) and the Toronto Police Association (“TPA”), Arbitrator Paula Knopf held that she lacked jurisdiction to hear grievances that challenged certain Procedures issued by the Chief of Police. In both cases, the TPSB raised successful preliminary objections and argued that the arbitrator lacked jurisdiction as…

Enhanced Disclosures in Pension Plan Annual Statements

Under the Ontario Pension Benefits Act (“PBA”) pension plan administrators are required to provide annual statements to active plan members within six months of the plan year-end. With many plans having a December 30 or 31 year-end, a large number of administrators are now in the process of preparing statements for 2011. The PBA Regulations…

Court Clarifies Evidence Required to Establish Prima Facie Case of Discrimination

For employers and service providers appearing before the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (“HRTO”), a recent decision of the Divisional Court involving racial profiling will be of interest. The decision, Peel Law Association v. Pieters, provides significant clarification on the evidence required to establish a prima facie case of discrimination. In this FTR Now we…

Bill 119 – What You Need To Know

Bill 119, the Workplace Safety and Insurance Amendment Act, 2008, makes insurance coverage mandatory for certain categories of persons operating in the construction industry (independent operators, sole proprietors, partners in partnerships and executive officers of a corporation). This FTR Now outlines these significant new changes and suggests the next steps individuals contracting with contractors and…

The Drummond Report – Impact on the Broader Public Sector

On February 15, 2012, the Commission on the Reform of Ontario’s Public Services (the “Commission”) released its long-awaited, 543-page report (the “Report”, commonly referred to as the “Drummond Report”) which identifies sweeping reform measures aimed at increasing efficiencies within the broader public service (“BPS”). In our companion FTR Now, Drummond Commission Reports on Elementary and…

AODA Emergency Preparedness Guides and Compliance Reporting Tool Now Available

As we reported in our November 17, 2011 FTR Now “Are You Prepared for the AODA?,” private and not-for-profit sector organizations in Ontario with at least one employee were subject to a January 1, 2012 deadline to comply with the Customer Service Standards as well as the two emergency preparedness requirements under the Integrated Accessibility…

Federal Court of Appeal Interprets Term “Fixed or Ascertainable” for CPP Purposes

On November 16, 2011, the Federal Court of Appeal (“FCA”) released its decision in Minister of National Revenue v. Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario (“HMQ”). The FCA’s decision overturns the January 17, 2011 decision of the Tax Court of Canada (“Tax Court”) in which it had held that per diem amounts paid…

How the New Privacy Tort Will Affect Employers

On January 18th, 2012, the Court of Appeal for Ontario in Jones v. Tsige recognized a new “intrusion upon seclusion” civil cause of action. In this FTR Now, we describe the new cause of action (or “tort”) and identify its significance to employers. THE INTRUSION UPON SECLUSION TORT Under Ontario law it is now clear…

Ten Questions and Answers about Computer Use Policies

It’s January 2012. Last year the Court of Appeal for Ontario recognized that an employee had a reasonable expectation of privacy that arose out of his personal use of a work computer. As discussed in a companion FTR Now called How the New Privacy Tort Will Affect Employers, this month the Court of Appeal recognized…

Ontario Human Rights Review Chair Invites Comments on 2008 Changes to Human Rights Code

The Ontario Human Rights Review Chair, lawyer Andrew Pinto, has published a Consultation Paper inviting public commentary, further to the review process mandated by section 57 of the Human Rights Code (Code). That section requires that the Minister appoint a person to review the implementation and effectiveness of changes resulting from the 2008 amendments to…