OSFI Publishes Guidance Note for Member Choice DC Plan Default Investments

The Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI) has published a new Guidance Note providing its interpretation and expectations relating to the requirements for the default investment selected by the administrator. The Guidance Note (Default Option for Member Choice Defined Contribution Plans) relates to defined contribution (DC) accounts or additional voluntary contribution accounts in…

WSIA Amendments Imposing Costs for Workplace Accidents on Clients of Temporary Help Agencies Still Awaiting Proclamation

In 2014, the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997 (WSIA) was amended by Bill 18, the Stronger Workplaces for a Stronger Economy Act, 2014, to enact a broad regulation-making power with respect to injuries incurred by temporary help agency assignment employees who are injured while working for a client of the agency. Specifically, the injury…

Quebec Passes Legislation to Mirror CPP Enhancements and Makes Changes to its Pension Legislation

On February 21, 2018, Bill 149, An Act to enhance the Québec Pension Plan and to amend various retirement-related legislative provisions, was passed by the Quebec legislature. QPP Enhancements As outlined in our previous update, Bill 149 enhances the Quebec Pension Plan (QPP), in a manner similar to the forthcoming enhancements to the Canada Pension…

Ontario Re-Introduces Pay Transparency Legislation 

On March 20, 2018, the Ontario government reintroduced its pay transparency legislation in the form of Bill 3, Pay Transparency Act, 2018. See our post of March 6, 2018, Ontario Introduces Pay Transparency Legislation, for more information about the Bill. The earlier iteration of this Bill had died on the order paper when the Legislature…

Ontario’s Proposed New Anti-Racism Standards

As we previously reported, the Ontario Anti -Racism Act (ARA) came into force on June 1, 2017. One of the purposes behind the ARA is to allow certain organizations to collect information that will be used to identify and monitor systematic racism and racial disparities for the purpose of eliminating systemic racism and advancing racial…

Ontario Publishes Description of Proposed Variable Benefits Regulations for DC Plans

The Ontario government posted a description of proposed regulations on March 20, 2018 enabling it to implement the variable benefit (VB) provisions applicable to defined contribution (DC) plans under the Ontario Pension Benefits Act (PBA). Background – DC Decumulation Currently, Ontario members of DC plans who have terminated their employment with the plan sponsor and…

Reminder: Equal Pay for Equal Work Provisions in Force April 1, 2018

On April 1, 2018, amendments to the Employment Standards Act, 2000 regarding equal pay for equal work will come into force. Among other things, the provisions prohibit employers from paying different rates of pay to their employees because of a difference in employment status, where the employees perform substantially the same kind of work in…

Ontario Introduces Pay Transparency Legislation

On March 6, 2018, the Ontario government introduced Bill 203, Pay Transparency Act, 2018, which creates certain requirements for employers regarding compensation information and its disclosure to employees and potential employees. If passed, Bill 203 would, among other things: prohibit employers from seeking the compensation history regarding a potential employee, although that person may voluntarily…

Regulation Made Under School Boards Collective Bargaining Act, 2014 Sets Out Minister’s Authority as Crown Representative

On March 1, 2018, the Ontario government filed O. Reg. 50/18 “Minister’s Authority as Crown Representative” made under the School Boards Collective Bargaining Act, 2014 (Act). O. Reg. 50/18 sets out the Minister’s authority to exercise the powers of the Crown under the Act. In table format, the Regulation specifies the general nature of the Crown…