In this FTR Now, we discuss the new government initiatives intended to promote inclusivity and ensure equitable treatment of trans and non-binary gendered persons, and how they may impact Ontario Universities.
Publication Type: Article
Insights for School Boards on New Government Inclusivity Initiatives Targeting Gender Identification Information
While it remains to be seen what further action either government may take to mandate reforms within the broader public or private sectors, find out how your School Boards may proactively revisit current gender inclusivity efforts to plan for potential reforms…
Insights for Municipal Organizations on New Government Inclusivity Initiatives Targeting Gender Identification Information
New gender identity initiatives signal an increased focus on gender identity issues at both the provincial and federal levels – and are an important step towards greater inclusivity across jurisdictions. Find out how these initiatives may impact employers, agencies and service providers across the Municipal sector…
Insights for Colleges on New Government Inclusivity Initiatives Targeting Gender Identification Information
With the Ontario government planning to announce a gender identification information policy for ministries later this year, the movement towards gender inclusivity in this area is well underway…
Insights for Hospitality and Gaming Organizations on New Government Inclusivity Initiatives Targeting Gender Identification Information
Recently, both the Ontario and federal governments launched significant new initiatives intended to promote inclusivity and ensure equitable treatment of trans and non-binary gendered persons, with a particular focus on gender identification information…
Supreme Court of Canada Majority Rules “Unjust Dismissal” Provisions of Canada Labour Code Prohibit Without Cause Dismissals of Non-Unionized Employees
In an important decision for federally regulated employers, Wilson v. Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, a majority of the Supreme Court of Canada has found the “unjust dismissal” provisions of Part III of the Canada Labour Code (Code) prohibit “without cause” dismissal of non-managerial, non-unionized employees with at least 12 months consecutive service, thereby allowing those employees to access the remedial relief (reasons, reinstatement, equitable relief) available under the Code.
Arbitrator Considers “Preference to Full-Time” in Support Staff CBA
In an award released June 29, 2016, George Brown College and OPSEU Local 557, Arbitrator Stephen Raymond considered the obligation in Article 1.2 of the Support Staff Collective Agreement to “give preference to full-time over part-time assignments.”
Arbitrator Rules MOE Memo Restricting Payment of Post-Retirement Benefits Cannot Override Terms of Employment Contract
In Piddisi v Toronto Catholic District School Board, a decision released on June 7, 2016, Arbitrator William Marcotte awarded a retired Supervisory Officer (SO) formerly employed by the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) damages for the TCDSB’s failure to pay premiums for post-retirement benefits…
ESA and AODA Changes Employers Should Note
Employers should be aware of recent changes related to the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (ESA) – a new Hours of Work and Overtime Pay…
CPP Expansion and the (Likely) Demise of Ontario’s Provincial Pension Plan
On June 20, 2016, following a highly anticipated meeting between the federal, provincial and territorial Ministers of Finance…