The Science of Data Breach Prevention and the Art of Breach Response

Organizations should be paying close attention to data loss prevention and response in light of recent developments. Recent media frenzies over the loss of portable storage devices illustrate that individuals’ fears and perceptions can cause great pressure on organizations even when the risk of real harm to individuals is remote. In addition, the risk of…

HRTO Considers Whether University’s Response to Potentially Volatile Situation Was Discriminatory

The Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario recently provided helpful guidance for employers and educational institutions which are faced with potential unrest due to competing opinions or political views, the genesis of which might be one’s place of origin or ethnic origin. In the case at hand, which involved the removal by a university of controversial…

OLRB Dismisses Duty of Fair Representation Applications Against OECTA

On February 26, 2013, the Ontario Labour Relations Board (“OLRB”) released a decision dismissing four different duty of fair representation applications filed by members and local leaders of the Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association (“OECTA”) against OECTA relating to OECTA’s negotiation of its Memorandum of Understanding dated July 5, 2012 with the provincial government (“MOU”)….

Altering Vested Retiree Benefits Found to be Unlawful by Arbitrator

A recent arbitration decision serves as an important reminder that if an employer wishes to negotiate changes to retiree benefit entitlements in a unionized workplace for employees who have already retired, it can only do so where the applicable collective agreement contains clear and unambiguous language allowing for such changes. In this case, the employer…

Accommodating Childcare Needs: Understanding Your Obligations

In a recent edition of FTR Now, we reported on two significant Federal Court decisions, Johnstone v. Canada and Seeley v. Canadian National Railway, which confirmed that employers have an obligation to accommodate their employees’ childcare needs. Since the date that FTR Now was published, these two decisions have continued to generate a considerable amount…

Recent Decisions from Courts of Appeal Provide Guidance on Restrictive Covenants

In a time where employees are unlikely to remain with one employer throughout their working lives, employers often seek to put in place restrictive covenants to limit departing employees from competing with them, soliciting their clients/customers or using confidential information obtained in the course of their employment. The scope of restrictive covenants has recently been…

Court of Appeal for Ontario Clarifies Obligation to Report Injuries to Non-Workers

The recent Blue Mountain Resorts decision of the Court of Appeal for Ontario has clarified the circumstances in which employers are required to report a critical injury or fatality suffered by a non-worker under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (“OHSA”). This FTR Now reviews the decision and its implications for employers. BACKGROUND On December…

Federal Court Affirms Employer’s Obligation to Accommodate Childcare Needs

The Federal Court of Canada has upheld the finding of the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal (“Tribunal”) that “family status” under the Canadian Human Rights Act (“CHRA”) includes a parent’s obligations to care for a child, and that an employer is obligated to provide accommodation for an employee’s childcare needs. This decision is the latest in…

Carrigan v. Carrigan Estate Update: Ontario Pension Regulator Supports Common-Law Spouse’s Appeal

As first discussed in our FTR Now of November 7, 2012 “Ontario Court of Appeal Decision Rewrites the Pension Pre-Retirement Death Benefit Regime“, the decision in Carrigan v. Carrigan Estate fundamentally altered the interpretation of spousal rights and priorities relating to payment of pre-retirement death benefits. The Court of Appeal awarded the pre-retirement death benefit payable under…

Important Direction on Restrictive Covenants from the Court of Appeal for Ontario

Restrictive covenants in an employment context are intended to control an individual’s competition and conduct in relation to her employer’s business after the employment relationship ends. These covenants will only be upheld by the courts if they are reasonable as between the parties and reasonable in light of the broader public interest in discouraging restraints…