B.C. Supreme Court Imposes Costs on Workers’ Compensation Appeal Tribunal for Procedural Fairness Breaches, Deviating from the “Traditional Immunity” Enjoyed by Decision-Makers

A recent ruling underscores the importance of procedural fairness in administrative tribunal proceedings, especially when dealing with vulnerable applicants. In this Case in Point, Mariana Kamenetsky reviews the case, the court’s analysis and the decision. https://

Federal Court: No Entitlement to EI Benefits Where Employee Fails to Comply With Employer’s Vaccination Policy

In Cecchetto v. Canada (Attorney General), the Federal Court recently considered a decision of the Appeal Decision of the Social Security Tribunal (SST) which denied leave to appeal a finding of the General Division of the SST that the applicant was not entitled to employment insurance (EI) benefits when his employment was terminated for failure…

Divisional Court Confirms Non-Construction Employer Provisions in Labour Relations Act Do Not Infringe Charter Rights

In Carpenters’ District Council of Ontario v. City of Hamilton, the Divisional Court dismissed an application for judicial review of an Ontario Labour Relations Board (Board) decision in which the union challenged the amendments to the non-construction employer (NCE) provisions in the Labour Relations Act (LRA). Specifically, the union challenged the constitutionality of Bill 66,…

Appellate Court Overturns WSIAT Decision That Held Constructive Dismissal Claim Barred by WSIA

In Morningstar v. WSIAT (Morningstar), the Divisional Court partially overturned a decision of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals Tribunal (WSIAT) that had barred a constructive dismissal claim which was based on alleged workplace harassment from proceeding in Superior Court. The WSIAT had found that the claim fell within the entitlement for chronic mental stress…

Divisional Court Finds “Permanent Residence” Not a Protected Ground under Ontario Human Rights Code

In the recently released decision of Imperial Oil Limited v. Haseeb, a majority of the Divisional Court (Court) quashed a decision of the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (Tribunal) which treated “permanent residence” as intrinsically included in the protected ground of “citizenship.” The majority held that such an expansion to the ground of “citizenship” was…

Changes Are Coming to the Justice System in Ontario

On December 9, 2019, the Ontario government tabled Bill 161, Smarter and Stronger Justice Act, 2019, omnibus legislation that, if passed, would enact significant changes to the justice system through amendments to numerous statutes. Set out below is a brief summary of the notable changes to the Class Proceedings Act, 1992, the Courts of Justice…

WSIA “Employment Function” Mental Stress Exclusion Considered by Appellate Court

In Ontario Public Service Employees Union v. The Crown in Right of Ontario (Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services), the Divisional Court recently overturned a 2017 Grievance Settlement Board (GSB) decision that found the grievor’s right to a workplace free of harassment had been violated but that it had no jurisdiction to award damages…

Appellate Court Considers Cannabis Impairment and Accommodation Issues

In International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 1620 v. Lower Churchill Transmission Construction Employers’ Association Inc., the Supreme Court of Newfoundland and Labrador judicially reviewed an arbitration decision in which the key issues were measuring impairment from cannabis use and accommodation obligations. The Arbitrator found that there is currently no way to accurately measure such…

Appellate Court Finds Preferential Treatment of WSIB Claimants in Workplace Not Discriminatory

The Ontario Divisional Court recently released Carter v. FCA Canada Inc and Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario, a decision which affirms that differential treatment between employees with work-related injuries and employees with non-work-related injuries is not discriminatory under the Ontario Human Rights Code (Code). The applicant, who had a non-work-related injury, sought to return to…

Appellate Court Upholds Finding that Injured Worker who Returned to Full-Time Work Entitled to Receive 100% FEL Benefits to Age 65

In Hydro Ottawa v. Ontario (Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals Tribunal), the Divisional Court has upheld a decision of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals Tribunal (Tribunal) that concluded an injured worker remained entitled to his 100% future economic loss (FEL) benefits until age 65 despite the fact he returned to full-time work in 2013….