Increasing competition, the rise of remote work and continually evolving regulatory environment means financial services employers need to stay ahead of these developments to create and maintain a positive, productive, and legally sound working relationship with their employees.
Training & Event Type: Webinar
Build a Better Employment Agreement: Do It Right to Mitigate Your Risk
The world of employment agreements has changed significantly in recent years but through proper terms and structure, employment agreements can help employers mitigate costly litigation and unforeseen financial consequences. This complimentary webinar will provide an overview of the essential components of an employment agreement that, if improperly drafted, have the potential to pose significant financial and litigation risk to an organization.
Workplace Investigations and Wrongful Dismissal Best Practices for Financial Services HR Professionals
Learn the key takeaways from case law and best practices for investigating workplace incidents in financial services. You will leave with an understanding of the issues that can arise when conducting investigations and you will learn how to appropriately deal with employee discipline and termination issues.
Practical Considerations for HRTO Litigation
At the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (HRTO), employers and service providers must be strategic with respect to the HRTO’s specific procedural practices and tendencies, in addition to matters involving legislation and case law.
Ensuring Your Mediation is a Success
Mediation is becoming an ever-present fixture in all forms of employment advocacy, whether it be in civil litigation or in matters before boards and tribunals. It is a critical stage in the litigation process. As such, it is important to take a holistic approach to the mediation process, one that does not focus on just the mediation itself.