Freedom of information (FOI) coordinators responding to access requests need to balance a wide range of issues—from clarifying requests and arranging reasonable searches to preparing fee estimates—all within tight time frames.
Training & Event Type: Webinar
Advantage CPD: Practical Considerations for HRTO Litigation
At the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (HRTO), employers and service providers must be strategic with respect to the HRTO’s specific procedural practices and tendencies, in addition to matters involving legislation and case law. This session will provide insights regarding how to best navigate HRTO proceedings
Advantage CPD: Ensuring Your Mediation is a Success
Mediation is becoming an ever-present fixture in all forms of employment advocacy, whether it be in civil litigation or in matters before boards and tribunals. It is a critical stage in the litigation process. As such, it is important to take a holistic approach to the mediation process, one that does not focus on just the mediation itself. In this Advantage CPD webinar, we will discuss many issues surrounding mediations.
Advantage CPD: Preparing for Change: New Legislation, Issues and Trends in Policing
In this complimentary webinar, we will provide an update on these legislative changes and other key issues and trends impacting the sector. We will also invite discussion among participants regarding the issues impacting labour relations in their services.
Advantage CPD: Bad Faith Damages – How Employers Can Avoid and Defend These Claims
In this session, we will discuss what constitutes bad faith in the employment context and how it applies to different phases of the employment relationship. We will address employer conduct leading up to termination, at the time of termination, during the post-termination period and during litigation—each of which can have an effect on an award for bad faith damages.
Advantage CPD: R. v. Greater Sudbury (City) – How is Your Municipality Affected?
On November 9, 2023 the Supreme Court of Canada issued the long-awaited decision in R v Greater Sudbury (City). The outcome of this decision has widespread and significant implications under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) that will impact municipalities in the future.
Advantage CPD: R. v. Greater Sudbury (City) – Where Do Construction Companies Go From Here?
On November 9, 2023, the Supreme Court of Canada issued the long-awaited decision in R. v. Greater Sudbury (City). The outcome of the decision is that site owners will be considered to be “employers” with respect to health and safety obligations on construction projects. As a result, construction companies need to ensure they are adequately protected when entering into contracts for future projects.
Advantage CPD: Strategic Considerations for Employers: Understanding the Nuances Between Independent and Dependent Contractors and Employees
The classification of workers can have significant implications for employers, from compensation to risk management. This seminar will assist employers in navigating the strategic considerations that factor into organizing the workplace in a manner that best achieves their goals.
Advantage CPD: Access Requests Under MFIPPA – A Practical Guide for School Boards Webinar
Freedom of information (FOI) coordinators responding to access requests need to balance a wide range of issues, from clarifying requests and arranging reasonable searches to preparing fee estimates, all within tight time frames. This program addresses a number of the strategic and practical considerations which go into responding to requests under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA).
Advantage CPD: Access Requests Under FIPPA – A Practical Guide For Colleges
FOI Coordinators responding to access requests need to balance a wide range of issues from clarifying requests and arranging reasonable searches to preparing fee estimates all within tight time frames. This program addresses a number of the strategic and practical considerations which go into responding to requesters under FIPPA.