Speaking Engagement

Keller and Heckman: Hazardous Chemical Communications Seminar

Event Details

October 18, 2023

In person at the Keller and Heckman Brussels, Belgium office (Avenue Louise 54, 1050 Brussels)


The Hazardous Chemical Communications Seminar is designed and presented by the attorneys of Keller and Heckman LLP, in partnership with Hicks Morley, for manufacturers, distributors, importers and exporters, lawyers, and regulatory specialists based in the EU who export hazardous chemicals into Canada and the U.S.

The program will explore complex and in-depth regulatory topics such as the regulation of hazardous chemicals in the workplace, WHMIS provision for chemicals fully consumed on site, the impact of updates to the EU’s REACH laws, and more. The seminar will also cover the U.S. and EU regulations applicable to the transportation of hazardous chemicals.

In a session titled, “Canadian Regulations: The Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) and How it Differs from GHS,” Jodi Gallagher Healy will discuss key aspects of Canada’s WHMIS and Occupational Health and Safety Act systems, the status of GHS (Globally Harmonized System) implementation in Canada, and key developments on the horizon.

To learn more about the seminar and to register, visit Keller and Heckman.