Speaking Engagement

OsgoodePD’s annual program brings together legal, healthcare, mental health, education and law enforcement professionals for a comprehensive one-day update of essential, current and emerging issues in mental health law for children and youth, together with practical legal advice on how to deal with them.


Mediation is becoming an ever-present fixture in all forms of employment litigation, whether that be in civil litigation or in matters before boards and tribunals. In this Advantage CPD webinar, we will discuss many issues surrounding mediations,


Requests for family status accommodation have become increasingly common in recent years, and in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, these types of requests are only expected to increase. Whether an employee requests accommodation due to the need to supervise their child during the day, provide increased support for an elderly parent, or care for a family member who has contracted the virus, it is critical that the employer respond in a manner consistent with the current state of the law on family status accommodation. Join us for a webinar that addresses the legal obligations and best practices to keep in mind when engaging in the accommodation process, both during the pandemic and beyond.


Requests for accommodation based on an individual’s religious beliefs, gender identity and/or gender expression can present unique challenges. How you respond to these types of requests can mean the difference between a finding that suitable accommodations were offered and one that exposes your organization to significant liability. Join us for a webinar that addresses the legal obligations and best practices to keep in mind as it relates to religious accommodation, gender identity and gender expression.