On January 15, 2019 the federal government announced proposed amendments to the Income Tax Act (ITA), Employment Insurance Act (EI Act) and Canada Pension Plan (CPP) that would more readily facilitate the correction of salary overpayments made to employees.
Business Operation: Canada
Workplace Law in Canada
Workplace law in Canada operates in a significantly different way than workplace law in the United States. This short primer sets out the main features of Canadian workplace law to enable American legal counsel to understand the basic differences and ask further questions.
Senate Passes Bill Proposing Changes to Canada Labour Code and Implementation of Federal Pay Equity Scheme
On December 10, 2018, Bill C-86, Budget Implementation Act, 2018, No. 2, passed Third Reading in the Senate without amendment and is now awaiting Royal Assent. As we reported in our Federal Post of November 2, 2018, Bill C-86 will make significant changes to the Canada Labour Code and will introduce a new federal Pay…
The Right to Disconnect and More: Final Federal Post of 2018
In this smartphone and email-intensive world, should there be a “right to disconnect”? In our final Federal Post of 2018, George Vuicic looks at this question, which was discussed in the federal government’s recent report on modernizing federal labour standards. Find out what’s happening on the legislative front. Kim Pepper reviews new legislation requiring the…
Federal Government Issues Fall Economic Statement
On November 21, 2018, the federal government issued its Fall Economic Statement 2018, “Investing in Middle Class Jobs” (Statement). Among other things, the Statement: reiterates the Budget 2018 commitment of an evidence-based approach towards addressing retirement security and announces that targeted consultations will soon be launched as the government continues to explore ways to enhance…
CRTC Publishes Guidance on Indirect Contraventions of Canada’s Anti-Spam Law
On November 5, 2018, the CRTC published its Compliance and Enforcement Information Bulletin CRTC 2018-415 (Bulletin), which is a guideline regarding the prohibition against facilitating spam under Canada’s Anti-Spam Law (CASL). Section 9 of CASL imposes prohibitions and penalties for activities that facilitate the contravention of the anti-spam provisions in sections 6-8. The non-facilitation prohibition…
FTR Quarterly – Issue 11
In This Issue Considering Cannabis Coverage under Benefits Plans Recreational Cannabis and Your Workplace: Five Steps to Consider Featured Topic – Cannabis Expertise Featured Articles Considering Cannabis Coverage under Benefits Plans By: Natasha D. Monkman With the legalization of recreational cannabis on October 17, 2018, employers across Canada have been preparing to answer questions about whether…
Setting up Shop in Canada? What U.S. Employers Need to Know About Canadian Human Rights Law [Video]
Understanding Canadian human rights law is key to ensuring your organization is fully prepared to deal with issues when they arise. In this video, David Alli discusses what U.S. employers need to know about Canadian human rights law (known as “anti-discrimination law” in the United States) and outlines some key differences between Canadian and U.S. laws.
’Tis the Season: Holiday Tips for Employers
With the holiday season just around the corner, many of us are preparing for the seasonal festivities, which may include workplace celebrations. It is important that employers, whether large or small, take proactive steps to ensure the health and safety of their employees who attend office parties or other workplace celebrations.
Federal Government Proposes Significant Workplace Law Reforms
On October 29, 2018, the federal government tabled Bill C-86, the Budget Implementation Act, 2018, No. 2, omnibus legislation giving effect to certain initiatives in its 2018 Federal Budget. If passed, the Bill will make substantial changes to the Canada Labour Code and enact a federal Pay Equity Act, among other things. For federally regulated…