WSIB to Add New Classification Applicable to Temporary Employment Agencies

A recent amendment to the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997 regulations has resulted in the creation of a new Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) classification which will allow temporary employment agencies (TEAs) to report the supply of administrative, clerical and knowledge-based labour under one classification for premium-setting purposes. This new classification will take…

Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario Confirms Childcare Preferences Do Not Trump Employer’s Scheduling Needs

In Aguele v. Family Options Inc., the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (HRTO) confirmed that the duty to accommodate in the context of a family status accommodation scheduling request is not unlimited. An employee has an obligation to accept accommodation that is reasonable in the circumstances, failing which an employer’s accommodation obligation is discharged. This…

Ontario Court Approves Modest $62,000 Settlement in Employee Misclassification Class Action

In Morris v. Solar Brokers Canada Corp., the Ontario Superior Court of Justice approved a negotiated settlement of $62,000 in a class action arising from the alleged misclassification of individuals as independent contractors. The Court also approved class counsel fees in the amount of $20,000, leaving $42,000 to be distributed amongst the class. As a…

Ontario Court Declares Back-To-Work Legislation in College Sector Constitutional

The Ontario Superior Court of Justice has just released an important decision upholding the constitutionality of the Ontario government’s 2017 back-to-work legislation in the college sector. The legislation in question was the Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology Labour Dispute Resolution Act, 2017 (Act). The Act legislated the end to the longest college-sector strike in…

Ontario Court Grants Injunction to End Encampment at University of Toronto

The Ontario Superior Court of Justice has granted an interlocutory injunction to end an encampment on the University of Toronto’s Front Campus. The Court found that the University’s Governing Council, as the property owner, has the ultimate right to determine the land’s use. In obiter, the Court also reiterated that the Charter does not apply…

Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario Releases Guidance on Information-Sharing in Situations of Intimate Partner Violence

In May 2024, the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario released Sharing Information in Situations Involving Intimate Partner Violence: Guidance for Professionals (the Guidance). The Guidance was developed as a result of a 2022 coroner’s inquest into three deaths caused by intimate partner violence (IPV). The Guidance is helpful for organizations, service providers and staff…