It is that time of year again when thoughts are turning to seasonal and holiday celebrations. Whether these celebrations are large or small, it is important that employers take proactive steps to ensure the health and safety of their employees who attend office parties or other celebrations. In this FTR Now, we provide employers with…
Industry: Retail & Wholesale Trade
Supreme Court of Canada on Prima Facie Discrimination and a Plaintiff’s Burden of Proof
The Supreme Court of Canada recently overturned a decision of the Québec Human Rights Tribunal (“Tribunal”) which found that Bombardier had discriminated against a pilot, Mr. Latif, by refusing to provide him with training on certain Bombardier aircraft after U.S. authorities denied his security clearance. The unanimous Court found that there was insufficient evidence to…
Ontario Introduces Legislation Addressing Sexual Violence and Harassment
On October 27, 2015, the Ontario government introduced Bill 132, Sexual Violence and Harassment Action Plan Act (Supporting Survivors and Challenging Sexual Violence and Harassment), 2015 which, if passed, would amend various statutes with respect to sexual violence, sexual harassment, domestic violence and related matters. Among other things, it would: amend the Occupational Health and Safety Act to revise the…
Ontario Passes Legislation to Prevent Proceedings that Limit Freedom of Expression
On October 28, 2015, Bill 52, Protection of Public Participation Act, 2014, passed Third Reading. Bill 52 amends the Courts of Justice Act by adding a section regarding Prevention of Proceedings that Limit Freedom of Expression on Matters of Public Interest (Gag Proceedings). As stated in the Bill, the purpose of the provision is: (a) to encourage individuals…
Ontario Introduces Legislation to Address Sexual Violence and Harassment
On October 27, 2015, the Ontario government tabled new legislation to address sexual violence and harassment. If passed, the proposed measures in Bill 132, the Sexual Violence and Harassment Action Plan Act (Supporting Survivors and Challenging Sexual Violence and Harassment), 2015 (“Act”), would, among other things, require publicly assisted colleges and universities and private career…
2015 Federal Election Update: ORPP or CPP – Which Will it be?
Editor’s Note: Following publication of this communication, the Ontario government announced that the first wave of ORPP implementation will be delayed by one year to January 1, 2018. Please be sure to read our FTR Now of February 17, 2016 for updated information on this significant development, or contact your regular Hicks Morley lawyer for…
Ontario Launches Three-Month AODA Compliance Blitz Targeting Large Retailers
This Fall, the Ministry of Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure will be leading targeted audits of retail companies with 500 or more employees during a three-month blitz to ensure workplaces and employee practices are accessible and compliant with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (“AODA”). Among other things, audited employers will be asked to provide…
ESA Provisions Imposing Shared Liability for Temporary Help Agencies and Their Clients Coming into Force
On November 20, 2015, amendments to the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (“ESA”) which affect Ontario’s temporary help industry and its clients will come into force. The amendments were contained in Bill 18, Stronger Workplaces for a Stronger Economy Act, 2014, which we previously discussed in our FTR Now of July 21, 2014, Ontario Reintroduces Legislation…
Ontario Minimum Wage to Increase October 1, 2015
On October 1, 2015, the general minimum wage in Ontario will increase from $11.00 to $11.25 an hour. This minimum wage applies to most employees. Minimum wage rates for students, liquor servers, hunting and fishing guides and homeworkers will increase on the same date.
Federal Election 2015: Employers’ Obligation to Provide Paid Time Off to Vote
A federal election has been called for October 19, 2015. Under the Canada Elections Act (“Act“) all employees who are electors – Canadian citizens who are 18 years of age or older – are entitled to three (3) consecutive hours on election day during voting hours to cast their vote. In this FTR Now, we…