Hicks Morley has once again been recognized in the Canadian Legal Lexpert® Directory. The firm ranked “Most Frequently Recommended” for labour relations in Toronto, “Consistently Recommended” for pensions and employee benefits in Toronto as well as labour relations in Ottawa, Kingston, Waterloo and London, and “Repeatedly Recommended” in the construction sector in Toronto.
Congratulations to the 34 Hicks Morley lawyers who are recognized in the 18th edition of The Best Lawyers in Canada™ in the areas of Labour and Employment Law, Employee Benefits Law, Corporate and Commercial Litigation, and Workers’ Compensation Law.
Congratulations to the 45 Hicks Morley lawyers who have been recognized as leaders in their respective fields in the 2023 Canadian Legal Lexpert® Directory!
Congratulations to the 36 Hicks Morley lawyers who are recognized in the 2023 edition of The Best Lawyers in Canada™ in the areas of Labour and Employment Law, Employee Benefits Law, Corporate and Commercial Litigation, and Workers’ Compensation Law.
SHRM quoted Hicks Morley’s Nadine Zacks in a May 12, 2021 article titled “Rapid Testing Could Curtail COVID-19 Outbreaks in Canadian Workplaces”. During Canada’s third wave of the coronavirus pandemic, workplace outbreaks risk transmitting the COVID-19 virus and its variants. Experts say rapid testing in workplaces could be instrumental in helping Canada fight the third…
Canadian HR Reporter quoted Hicks Morley’s Nadine Zacks in a October 1, 2020 article titled “Are you screening workers for COVID?” Employers in Ontario are now required to apply a daily COVID-19 screening test to employees and essential visitors before they enter the workplace. As noted in the article, employers should keep appropriate records so…
With numerous businesses closing or modifying operations to curb the rapid spread of COVID-19, legal departments are facing a host of new challenges. Organizations are struggling to continue serving customers and support employees, many of whom are now working remotely.
The January 28, 2020 issue of Labour Notes® features an article authored by Hicks Morley lawyer Nadine Zacks. This article explores one of the complications within the Canada Labor Code and the recent resolution of the Supreme Court that gives a clear parameter to employers as far they are legally responsible in relation to work locations and gives an overturn to the decision of the Federal Court that imposed unmanageable and impractical obligations.
Benefits Canada quoted Hicks Morley’s Nadine Zacks in a January 23, 2019 article titled “B.C. University Employee Alleges Sexual Harassment, University Denies Claim.” The article discusses a sexual harassment claim at a university in British Columbia, brought by a female employee against her male colleague.
Meet our new partners Thomas Agnew, Kathryn Meehan, Siobhan O’Brien, and Nadine Zacks. All are experienced and accomplished labour and employment lawyers who continue to develop their thriving practices.
Hicks Morley’s Nadine Zacks was quoted in the January 15, 2016 The Lawyers Weekly article entitled “Broader Scope to Sexual Harassment Law.”
Hicks Morley’s Nadine Zacks was quoted in the June 13, 2012 edition of The Toronto Star. In an article entitled, “If you’re hurt at Blue Mountain, does it count as a workplace injury?”, Nadine comments on the language constraints imposed by Occupational Health and Safety Act. With respect to the reporting of workplace injuries, the…
An article by Hicks Morley’s Nadine Zacks was published in the August 8, 2012 edition of Benefits Canada. In the article entitled, “Benefits laws for independent contractors,” Nadine discusses the distinction between an independent contractor and an employee and the various factors the courts will consider in making this determination. View Article
Hicks Morley’s Nadine Zacks was quoted in the July 26, 2012 edition of OHS Insider. In an article entitled, “Nadine Zacks Discusses Blue Mountain & Incident Reporting in Ontario,” Nadine explains the significance of the Blue Mountain decision for employers in Ontario. She indicates that this case effectively changes the incident reporting requirements. View Article
Hicks Morley’s Nadine Zacks was interviewed on Ontario Morning from CBC Radio on June 15, 2012, regarding the requirements of reporting workplace injuries. Nadine comments on a recent court decision that states the Ministry of Labour must be informed when anyone at a workplace — workers and guests — sustains a critical injury or dies….
An article by Hicks Morley’s Nadine Zacks was published in the May 22, 2012 edition of Small Biz Advisor. In the article entitled, “Benefits for independent contractors: a legal perspective,” Nadine discusses the distinction between an independent contractor and an employee and the various factors the courts will consider in making this determination. View Article
Hicks Morley’s Nadine Zacks was quoted in the June 13, 2011 edition of Law Times in an article entitled “Safety Ruling Turns Heads.” In the article, Nadine comments on the Divisional Court’s recent decision that will require employers to report a critical injury or fatality suffered by a non-worker in the “workplace” to the Ministry…