Ontario Budget Bill 2016 Passes

On April 13, 2016, the Ontario government passed Bill 173, Jobs for Today and Tomorrow Act (Budget Measures), 2016, omnibus legislation giving effect to initiatives contained in the Ontario Budget 2016. See our FTR Now of February 29, 2016, Ontario Budget 2016, for a detailed discussion of those initiatives of interest to employers, human resources professionals and…

BC Court Dismisses CFL Concussion Case for Lack of Jurisdiction

In a recent decision that has garnered media attention, the Supreme Court of British Columbia concluded it was without jurisdiction to hear claims brought against the Canadian Football League (CFL), its teams and various individuals relating to concussions alleged to have occurred to a former professional football player…

Arbitrator Dismisses Grievance over Denial of Benefit Reimbursement for Medical Marijuana

Arbitrator Sheehan recently dismissed a grievance by the Hamilton Professional Fire Fighters’ Association which asserted that the denial of a claim for payment of the grievor’s spouse’s medical marijuana breached the collective agreement. The grievor had submitted a claim to Manulife under the City of Hamilton’s benefit plan, seeking reimbursement for its costs. He had…

Ontario Tables Budget 2016

On February 25, 2016, the Ontario government tabled its 2016 Budget “Jobs for Today and Tomorrow” and the corresponding Budget Bill, Bill 173, Jobs for Today and Tomorrow Act (Budget Measures), 2016.

New Proposed Federal Bill to Reverse Canada Labour Code Certification and Decertification Reforms, C-377 Union Disclosure Obligations

Further to its election platform, on January 28, 2016, the federal government introduced Bill C-4, An Act to amend the Canada Labour Code, the Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act, the Public Service Labour Relations Act and the Income Tax Act. Among other things, this legislation would, if passed, amend the Canada Labour Code (“CLC”) to effectively repeal…

Hiring Practices Regulation under Education Act Amended

On December 3, 2015, O. Reg 376/15, amending O. Reg. 274/12 (Hiring Practices) made under the Education Act, was filed. The amendments, which are technical in nature, relate to the hiring practices for long-term occasional (“LTO”) teachers represented by the Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association (“OECTA”). Among other things, the amendments specify timing requirements for the application and interview…

Workplace Law In Canada: A Primer

This Guide provides non-Canadians with an introduction to employment laws and regulations that affect businesses in Canada. It provides an overview of the main differences between Canadian and U.S. workplace laws. To obtain a copy please contact Knowledge Management.