Is it Appropriate to Reinstate an Employee Whose Employment Was Terminated as a Result of Sexual Harassment?

In Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada v. CEP, Loc. 3011, the Ontario Divisional Court concluded it was not. The grievor, a mail room clerk with six years seniority, tried to kiss a female cleaner. When she pushed him away, he grabbed her buttocks. The female worker reported the incident and stated that…

The Ongoing Saga of the 24 Hour Firefighter Shift

In recent years, one of the top demands sought by fire associations at the bargaining table and at interest arbitration has been the 24 hour shift schedule. Many municipalities have continued to vigorously resist this demand. In our FTR Now “Three Recent Decisions, Three Different Results – An Update on the 24 Hour Shift in…

Changes to Temporary Foreign Worker Program Announced

On April 29, 2013, the federal government announced significant reforms to the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (“TFWP”). Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, commented that the “reforms will require that greater efforts be made to recruit and train Canadians to fill available jobs … [and to] help ensure the Temporary Foreign Worker Program…

Saskatchewan Court of Appeal Finds Right to Strike Not Protected by Freedom of Association Guarantee in Charter

A five-member panel of the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal has overturned a lower court decision which had found in part that restrictions on the right to strike in The Public Service Essential Services Act infringed the freedom of association guarantee in section 2(d) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The Court of Appeal…

Concerted Withdrawal of Voluntary/Extracurricular Activities by Teachers Declared an Unlawful Strike

In a landmark ruling, and after much anticipation, the Ontario Labour Relations Board (“OLRB”) has finally rendered its decision in the longstanding debate about whether the withdrawal, in combination or in concert, of participation in voluntary extracurricular activities by teachers constitutes a “strike” within the meaning of the Education Act. In this FTR Now, we…

Certain Regulations Revoked with Coming Into Force of Ontario College of Trades and Apprenticeship Act, 2009

On April 16, 2013, the Ontario government filed O. Reg. 135/13, revoking O. Reg. 573/99 and O. Reg. 222/10 made under the Apprenticeship and Certification Act, 1998. On the same day, O. Reg. 136/13 was filed, revoking O. Reg. 223/10 made under the Trades Qualification and Apprenticeship Act. O. Reg. 135/13 and O. Reg. 136/13 came…

Regulations under Ontario College of Trades and Apprenticeship Act, 2009 Now in Force

On April 8, 2013, O. Reg. 421/12 (General), as amended by O. Reg. 130/13, made under the Ontario College of Trades and Apprenticeship Act, 2009 (“OCTAA”) came into force. O. Reg. 421/12 establishes certain exemptions under OCTAA and contains transitional provisions regarding, for example, certificates of qualification and statements of membership issued under either the…

OLRB: Withdrawal of Extracurricular Activities Constitutes an Unlawful Strike

Today, the Ontario Labour Relations Board (“OLRB”) rendered Trillium Lakelands District School Board and Upper Canada District School Board v. Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario, a significant decision in which it found the withdrawal of extracurricular activities by the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (“ETFO”) constituted an unlawful strike according to the definition set out…

College Update – Second Edition

Dear Friends, Spring is just around the corner and with the changing of the season, what better time for us to welcome our second edition of College Update! Hicks Morley’s College Practice Group is pleased to periodically provide our College clients with specific information relevant to your particu­lar interests. In this edition we discuss labour…

OLRB Dismisses Duty of Fair Representation Applications Against OECTA

On February 26, 2013, the Ontario Labour Relations Board (“OLRB”) released a decision dismissing four different duty of fair representation applications filed by members and local leaders of the Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association (“OECTA”) against OECTA relating to OECTA’s negotiation of its Memorandum of Understanding dated July 5, 2012 with the provincial government (“MOU”)….