895 Results

Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs (OAFC): 2017 Labour Relations Seminar

Over the course of two days, chief fire officers, senior municipal officials and human resource professionals hear from a team of legal experts, fire chiefs from across Ontario, and renowned international speakers that give insight, up-to-date knowledge and guidance into a wide range of labour relations issues that are currently impacting the fire service. Throughout…

Post-Retirement Benefits Changes Affecting Members of the Ontario Public Service

On November 11, 2016 the government of Ontario and the Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU) reached an agreement regarding post-retirement benefits (PRBs) for members of the OPSEU Pension Plan. The Ontario government subsequently announced that the terms of that agreement would be extended to members of the Public Service Pension Plan (PSPP), subject to…

Ontario’s Bill 70: The New Face of Pension Regulation Revealed

On November 16, 2016, the Ontario government introduced Bill 70, Building Ontario Up for Everyone Act (Budget Measures), 2016 (Bill 70). Bill 70 is omnibus legislation that includes various pension-related initiatives, including substantive changes to certain pension minimum standards…