2095 Results

Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs (OAFC): 2019 Labour Relations Seminar

Over the course of two days, chief fire officers, senior municipal officials and human resource professionals hear from a team of legal experts, fire chiefs from across Ontario, and renowned international speakers that give insight, up-to-date knowledge and guidance into a wide range of labour relations issues that are currently impacting the fire service. Throughout…

WSIB Issues New Policy on Medical Cannabis

The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) has issued Policy 17-01-10 Cannabis for Medical Purposes (Policy) which will come into effect on March 1, 2019. The WSIB has previously covered the cost of medical cannabis in some circumstances, primarily for the relief of pain in accordance with section 33 of the Workplace Safety and Insurance…

Workplace Investigation Training Workshop

This workshop focuses on essential investigation skills required by HR Professionals who are charged with investigating workplace incidents including: workplace harassment and violence complaints, discrimination and harassment complaints under the Human Rights Code, employee misconduct, such as suspected sick leave abuse or time theft, health and safety complaints.

Cause Termination Upheld Where Employee Found to Have Installed Spyware on Employer’s Computer

The Ontario Superior Court of Justice recently upheld a cause termination where an employee was found to have installed spyware onto his employer’s computer. The Court also considered the availability of the “after-acquired cause” defence In Sankreacha v. Cameron J. and Beach Sales Ltd., the plaintiff’s employment as a service advisor in the automotive department…

Ministry of Labour Publishes New ESA Poster

The Ministry of Labour has published a revised version of the ESA poster (Version 8.0) to reflect the recent changes to the Employment Standards Act, 2000 made by Bill 47, Making Ontario Open for Business Act, 2018. Employers are required to post the poster in a conspicuous place in the workplace, among other things. Learn more in this FTR Now.

AdvantAge Ontario Webinar: Human Resources Law – The Year in Review

Join this popular annual webinar to hear about important developments in human resources law over the past year, and the key trends to think about for 2019. Topics will include an update on: bargaining trends in the LTC sector; managing the workplace consequences of the legalization of cannabis; the labour and employment impacts of the Making Ontario Open for Business Act, 2018; the impacts of the Police Record Checks Reform Act, 2015 on employers; and more!