Federal Budget Implementation Bill Introduced (C-38)

On April 26, 2012, the federal government introduced Bill C-38, Jobs, Growth and Long-term Prosperity Act, omnibus legislation intended to give effect to certain key initiatives outlined in its Budget 2012. Among other matters, Bill C-38 would, if passed, amend Part I of the Canada Labour Code (“Code”) to require each party to a collective…

Ontario 2012 Budget Bill Introduced

On March 27, 2012, the Ontario government introduced Bill 55, Strong Action for Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2012 (“Bill 55”), omnibus legislation designed to implement a number of the proposals contained in its 2012 Budget, “Strong Action For Ontario.” In part, Bill 55 proposes amendments to reform the interest arbitration process in Ontario that would…

Federal Government Tables Budget 2012

On March 29, 2012, the federal government tabled its 2012 Budget, Economic Action Plan 2012 – A Plan for Jobs, Growth and Long-Term Prosperity. Among other things, the Budget includes the following proposals: a requirement that federally regulated private sector employers insure the long-term disability plans they offer to employees; tax changes in respect of…

Ontario 2012 Budget Introduced

On March 27, 2012, the Ontario government tabled its 2012 Budget, “Strong Action For Ontario.” The Budget comes on the heels of the Drummond Report, which was released in mid-February and which recommended sweeping reform measures aimed at increasing efficiencies within the broader public service and the delivery of a variety government programs. Key components…

Québec Budget 2012

On March 20, 2012, the Quebec government introduced its 2012-13 Budget. As expected, the government is moving forward with the joint federal-provincial initiative to provide small business owners and their employees with access to large-scale, low-cost, professionally administered pension plans. Accordingly, the Budget introduces Voluntary Retirement Savings Plans (“VRSPs”), mandatory group pension plans that all…

Bill 160 OHSA Amendments Coming Into Force

The Ontario government has proclaimed that effective April 1, 2012, certain amendments to the Occupational Health and Safety Act (the “Act”) outlined in Bill 160, the Occupational Health and Safety Statute Law Amendment Act, 2011, will come into force. These include: amendments to s. 50 of the Act that allow an inspector to refer a…

Federal Pooled Registered Pension Plan (“PRPP”) Legislation Referred to Committee

On February 1, 2012, Bill C-25, An Act relating to pooled registered pension plans and making related amendments to other Acts passed at Second Reading in the House of Commons, and was referred to the Standing Committee on Finance. As previously reported, Bill C-25 is new legislation implementing the framework for federally regulated PRPPs, and…

AODA Emergency Preparedness Guides and Compliance Reporting Tool Now Available

As we reported in our November 17, 2011 FTR Now “Are You Prepared for the AODA?,” private and not-for-profit sector organizations in Ontario with at least one employee were subject to a January 1, 2012 deadline to comply with the Customer Service Standards as well as the two emergency preparedness requirements under the Integrated Accessibility…