Human Rights Tribunal Rules that Miscarriage is a Disability

In a recent decision, the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (Tribunal) found that the Applicant, who had suffered a miscarriage, had a disability within the meaning of the Human Rights Code (Code). While this decision has garnered much attention in the media, its potential significance for employers going forward may not result from the particular…

Successfully argued that the Application should be dismissed on the basis that the Applicant had previously executed Minutes of Settlement relating to his termination from employment, notwithstanding that the Applicant alleged that he was suffering from a mental disability at the time of execution.

Successfully argued that the Application should be dismissed on the basis that the Applicant had previously executed Minutes of Settlement relating to his termination from employment, notwithstanding that the Applicant alleged that he was suffering from a mental disability at the time of execution.

Lead counsel to multinational and national hotel chains and to hotel management companies in connection with all matters related to the workplace and guest complaints under all provincial legislation. Instrumental in negotiating collective agreements that exert major influence on the hospitality industry across the country.

Lead counsel to multinational and national hotel chains and to hotel management companies in connection with all matters related to the workplace and guest complaints under all provincial legislation. Instrumental in negotiating collective agreements that exert major influence on the hospitality industry across the country.