IPC Provides Important Guidance on New PHIPA Annual Reporting Obligations

Organizations which provide healthcare and are governed by the Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA) should note that recent amendments to PHIPA require health information custodians (HICs) to file an annual report disclosing all security incidents involving theft, loss and unauthorized use or disclosure of personal health information to the Information and Privacy Commissioner. At…

The Right to Be Forgotten Comes to Canada

On January 26, 2018, the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada issued a new position on the protection of online reputation. In doing so the OPC recognized a right to have personal information de-indexed from search engine results if it is inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date. Although the position is in draft, is nonetheless of…

David S. Alli

As an experienced advocate, David has successfully represented clients in appellate proceedings, wrongful dismissal litigation, human rights applications, Ministry of Labour complaints and labour grievances. He also provides daily advice to clients to assist with legal compliance and strategy.

Supreme Court of Canada Recognizes Reasonable Expectation of Privacy in Digital Communications

There has been significant discussion of the Supreme Court of Canada’s decisions in R v Jones and R v Marakah – cases in which the Court recognized a reasonable expectation of privacy in text messages that police obtained from others. In Jones, the police obtained messages from a telecom company and in Marakah the police…

FTR Quarterly – Issue 8

In This Issue 10 Top Developments in Human Resources Law in 2017 The Road Ahead: Key 2018 Implementation Dates Cross-Border Expertise Featured Articles 10 Top Developments in Human Resources Law in 2017 By: Amanda Lawrence-Patel 2017 was quite a year for news – with harassment revelations that have rocked institutions across North America, a new…

Colleges and Universities: Who is the Health Information Custodian under PHIPA?

This is a short note to our college and university clients – all of whom provide various services to their communities that are properly characterized as “health care” and therefore governed by the Personal Health Information Protection Act. Recent amendments to PHIPA give rise to questions about personal health information governance and the proper identity…

CRTC Decision Provides Important Guidance on Anti-Spam Legislation

A recent compliance and enforcement decision of the Canada Radio-television and Communications Commission (Decision 2017-368) under Canada’s Anti Spam legislation (Act) provides useful guidance for organizations seeking to rely on the Act’s “business-to-business” exclusion, or implied consent, to send commercial electronic messages (CEMs). It also has significant implications for any organization making representations to the…

FTR Quarterly – Issue 7

In This Issue Extended EI Benefits – Top 3 Ways Your Workplace Could be Affected FTRQ&A – Chronic Mental Stress Pension Plan Funding Reform: At the Precipice Pension, Benefits & Executive Compensation Featured Articles Extended EI Benefits – Top 3 Ways Your Workplace Could be Affected By: Henry Dinsdale A number of recent changes to the…