WSIB Launches Public Consultation on Draft Policies for New Rate Framework

The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) has launched a public consultation on seven draft policies made in support of its new Rate Framework, which was approved by the WSIB Board of Directors in November 2016. The Rate Framework has a targeted implementation date of January 2019. Comments are invited on the following draft policies:…

Bill 148 and Pay Equity: A Changing Landscape and Increasing Scrutiny of Ontario Employers

As part of the 30th anniversary of the Pay Equity Act (Act), the Pay Equity Office has implemented several new initiatives in 2017 in support of its mandate to administer and enforce the Act. These initiatives, coupled with pending legislative changes under Bill 148, present significant changes and potential risks to employers across the province.

Ontario’s New Child and Family Services Framework is Coming Soon

As we previously reported, the Ontario government introduced Bill 89, the Supporting Children, Youth and Families Act, 2016 (Bill 89), omnibus legislation repealing the current Child and Family Services Act, and enacting new legislation in its place. Bill 89 received Royal Assent on June 1, but is not yet in force. Certain amendments to the…

FTR Quarterly – Issue 6

In This Issue Gender Identity and Gender Expression: Best Practices for Employers and Service Providers FTRQ&A – Bill C-45, the Cannabis Act Quick Hit – Changing Workplaces Review: A Bill 148 Timeline The Dos & Don’ts of Employment Reference Letters: Best Practices for Employers Featured Lawyer – Simon Mortimer Featured Group – Pay Equity Featured Articles…

Federal Government Eliminates Secret Ballot Certification Votes for Federally Regulated Employees, Reverses Union Financial Disclosure Obligations

On June 19, 2017, Bill C-4, An Act to amend the Canada Labour Code, the Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act, the Public Service Labour Relations Act and the Income Tax Act, received Royal Assent. As previously reported, Bill C-4 amends the Canada Labour Code to repeal reforms to the certification and decertification process brought…

Federal Post – Sixth Edition

We are pleased to bring you this promised Federal Post edition on recent case law updates of significance to employers in the federal sector.
Laila Karimi Hendry and Amy Tibble, both of our Toronto office, write about two unjust dismissal cases “post-Wilson” that you should know about.
David Foster of our London office provides a summary of recent cases interpreting the new test for “danger” under the Canada Labour Code…