Hicks Morley is pleased to announce that Shivani Chopra has joined the firm as an associate in our Toronto office. Shivani is an experienced litigator who has spent a decade in courts tenaciously representing clients on employment, corporate/commercial litigation, and civil litigation matters. We would also like to extend a very special congratulations to Shivani on being a recipient of a 2017 Lexpert Zenith Award: Celebrating Women in Law.
Practice Area: Occupational Health
Shivani Chopra
Shivani’s is regularly engaged by insurers to defend claims covered by Employment Practice Liability Insurance (EPLI). In addition to this, her expertise includes defending private-sector employers and financial institutions in a range of employment litigation matters including discrimination, harassment, short- and long-term disability benefits, constructive dismissal and wrongful dismissal claims.
Craig Rix Quoted in Benefits Canada on the Latest Report Released by the Ontario Ministry of Labour
Benefits Canada quoted Hicks Morley’s Craig Rix in a May 23, 2017 article titled “Ontario urged to consider minimum standard for health benefits”. The article talks about the latest report released by the Ontario Ministry of Labour, and how these changes would affect employers…
Stephen Shamie Quoted in The Lawyer’s Daily on Former CFL Player’s Concussion Lawsuit
The Lawyer’s Daily quoted Hicks Morley’s Stephen Shamie in a May 16, 2017 article titled “B.C. Court of Appeal dismisses former CFL player’s concussion lawsuit”…
Hicks Morley Lawyers Named Leading Practitioners in the 2017 Canadian Legal Lexpert® Directory
Hicks Morley congratulates each one of our lawyers who has been recognized as a leading practitioner in the 2017 Canadian Legal Lexpert® Directory.
Kathryn Meehan Quoted in Canadian HR Reporter on Women Wearing High Heels in the Workplace
Canadian HR Reporter quoted Hicks Morley’s Kathryn Meehan in an April 17, 2017 article titled “Do we need a law banning high heels?” The article explores gender discrimination in the workplace rooted in dress codes that require women to wear high heels…
HR Professionals Now Publishes an Article by Allison MacIsaac on Accommodating the Use of Medical Marijuana in the Workplace
Hicks Morley’s Allison MacIsaac authored an article in HR Professional Now titled “Accommodating The Use of Medical Marijuana in the Workplace.” The article discusses the more prevalent use of medical marijuana and how employers are being encouraged to ensure they meet their legal obligations towards employees requiring its use. The article also discusses the employer’s obligation to accommodate the use of…
Tribunal Sets Out New Test for “Danger” under Canada Labour Code
In an important decision for all federally regulated employers, the Occupational Health and Safety Tribunal of Canada (OHSTC) released its first decision interpreting the new definition of “danger” under the Canada Labour Code (Code)…
Reminder: Universities and Colleges to Have Student-Specific Sexual Violence Policies in Place by January 1, 2017
On January 1, 2017, amendments to the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities Act and the Private Career Colleges Act, 2005 made by Bill 132 (Sexual Violence and Harassment Action Plan Act (Supporting Survivors and Challenging Sexual Violence and Harassment), 2015) come into force…
George Vuicic Quoted in OHS Canada on Seasonal Affective Disorder
Hicks Morley’s George Vuicic is quoted in the December 14, 2016 OHS Canada article titled “Dark Days.” The article describes the adverse affect seasonal affective disorder (SAD) can have on employee well-being and productivity at work…