Lucy Wu

Lucy is a labour and employment lawyer in Hicks Morley’s Toronto office. She provides advice and representation to employers in both the private and public sector on a wide-range of labour, employment and human rights issues. Having held a management role prior to commencing law school, Lucy is uniquely positioned to assist employers and management in navigating various labour and employment issues.

Alia Rashid

Alia Rashid, a lawyer with Hicks Morley’s Toronto office, provides advice to employers and management in both the private and public sectors on labour, employment and human rights issues. This includes wrongful dismissal actions, employment standards, labour disputes, grievance arbitrations, human rights and accommodation.

Evon J. Gayle

Evon Gayle, a lawyer with Hicks Morley’s Waterloo office, provides advice to employers and management in both the private and public sectors on human resources issues. This involves labour, employment law and employment equity, human rights and accommodation, occupational health and safety, and anti-racism policy development and implementation.

Ensuring a Successful Return to Work in a COVID-19 World

As governments start lifting orders and directives made under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act (or similar legislation in other jurisdictions), it is understandable that employers and employees alike are anxious to return to their ‘pre-COVID-19 normal’. However, in order to ensure a successful return to work during the largest pandemic in modern history, it is crucial that employers turn their minds to the unique labour and employment issues created by COVID-19 and reopen with a solid return to work plan in place.

Employees Who Continue to Work from Home – Practical Considerations for Employers

As provinces begin to roll out reopening plans for non-essential businesses, the logistical challenges of implementing social distancing in some workplaces mean that many employees will continue to work from home for the foreseeable future. As companies consider which employees will be asked to return to the workplace, and when, the legal considerations and risks associated with work from home arrangements should be taken into account.

Further Measures Announced in Relation to COVID-19

Late last week, the Ontario government amended a number of measures already introduced in light of COVID-19. It updated the “COVID-19 Self-Assessment Tool” to include an expanded list of symptoms for which self-isolation is required. It made further orders under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act regarding health care, an expanded list of essential workers eligible for child care and seasonal campgrounds. The federal government provided more information on initiatives already underway, including with respect to the eligibility requirements for the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB).

COVID-19 and Long-Term Care – Ontario Government Imposes “Single-Employer” Rule for Long-Term Care Employees

On April 14, 2020, the Ontario government issued an Emergency Order (Order) pursuant to the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act (EMCPA) which relates specifically to staffing issues in Ontario’s long-term care sector. The Order, O. Reg. 146/20, Limiting Work to a Single Long-Term Care Home, creates immediate obligations for both long-term care employers and employees working in long-term care homes. Once the requirements of the Order are met, the Order will effectively impose a “single-employer” rule for employees in this sector, preventing them from working for more than one Health Service Provider or retirement home until the Order is lifted.