Federal Privacy Commissioner Uses Ashley Madison Incident to Promote Good Information Governance

Organizations subject to Canadian privacy law should be aware that the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (together with the Australian Information Commissioner) recently issued a report on the 2015 breach of the Ashley Madison website – a breach that affected nearly 35 million individuals who had used the online dating site for adults…

Employer’s Egregious Mistreatment of Disabled Employee Leads to Increase in Damages Award

In a recent wrongful dismissal case, Strudwick v. Applied Consumer & Clinical Evaluations Inc., the Court of Appeal increased the amount of damages awarded to an employee from $113,782 to $240,000, for what the Court of Appeal described as “a marked departure from any conceivable standard of decent behaviour” in an employer’s treatment of its employee…

Appellate Court Finds Settlement for Payment of Bonus Enforceable Despite Breach of Non-Compete Clause

The Court of Appeal recently upheld a motion judge’s finding that an employer was required to pay a bonus despite the fact that the dismissed employee was in breach of a non-compete clause. In Wilson v. Northwest Value Partners Inc., the parties entered into a settlement at mediation regarding Wilson’s claim for benefits (inclusive of…

Full Payout to End of Fixed Term Contract in Case of Early Termination, No Duty to Mitigate

In Howard v. Benson Group Inc. (The Benson Group Inc.), the Ontario Court of Appeal ruled that in the absence of an express provision specifying a pre-determined notice period or pay in lieu (for early termination without cause), on the early termination of a fixed term contract an employee is entitled to the wages the…

Court Reaffirms Broad Academic Discretion of Universities

In Tran v. University of Western Ontario, the Ontario Superior Court recently considered both the ability of an institution to shield itself from civil action on the basis of “academic discretion” and the liability of the individual employees of the institution in exercising such discretion. Justice Dunphy accepted that universities enjoy broad discretion in respect of academic…

Human Rights Tribunal Rules that Miscarriage is a Disability

In a recent decision, the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (Tribunal) found that the Applicant, who had suffered a miscarriage, had a disability within the meaning of the Human Rights Code (Code). While this decision has garnered much attention in the media, its potential significance for employers going forward may not result from the particular…