Significant Decision on Pre-Retirement Death Benefits Rendered by Ontario Court of Appeal

On October 31, 2012, the majority of the Ontario Court of Appeal departed from the pension industry’s widely held interpretation of section 48 of the Pension Benefits Act when it awarded the pre-retirement death benefit payable under an Ontario registered pension plan to a member’s designated beneficiaries rather than to the member’s common law spouse….

Supreme Court of Canada Grants Leave in Cyber-Picketing Case

The Supreme Court of Canada has granted leave to appeal in United Food and Commercial Workers, Local 401 v Alberta (Attorney General), a decision from the Alberta Court of Appeal which raised extremely broad questions about the constitutionality of Alberta’s commercial sector privacy statute in disposing of a dispute about the right of a union…

Arbitrator Uses Proportionality Approach in Determining Discipline of Multiple Employees

A recent arbitration decision provides useful insight for employers about the nuance that an arbitrator may apply to review a penalty decision and as well serves as a reminder that employers ought to be careful to consider all factors when imposing discipline, especially when there are multiple employees involved. In Bell Technical Solutions v. Communications,…

Supreme Court of Canada Renders Decision on Reasonable Expectation of Privacy in Workplace Computer

The Supreme Court of Canada rendered R. v. Cole in which it unanimously held that employees have a diminished but reasonable expectation of privacy in the use of their workplace computers. This case involved a warrantless police search of the accused’s workplace computer, which contained materials alleged to be child pornography. That evidence was excluded…

Federal Court of Appeal Interpretation Stands: Remuneration of Office-Holders Pensionable for CPP Purposes

On October 4, 2012, the Supreme Court of Canada denied leave to appeal from the Federal Court of Appeal’s decision in Minister of National Revenue and Real Estate Council of Alberta (“RECA”), and in doing so has helped to clarify how certain amounts paid to board members, council members and office-holders are to be treated…

Operation of Pension and Benefit Plans do not Discriminate on the Basis of Age: Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario

Recent decisions of the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (the “Tribunal”) provide welcome guidance for employers who have been confronted with allegations that provisions of their pension and benefit plans discriminate on the basis of age under the Ontario Human Rights Code (the “Code”). In several decisions the Tribunal has held that some age-based distinctions…

Court Pierces Corporate Veil in “Common Employer” Case

Justice Gray of the Ontario Superior Court recently reviewed the common employer doctrine within the context of a Mareva injunction motion. In Kingston v. GMA Cover Corp., the plaintiffs had been employed by GMA Cover Corp. in Guelph. For tax reasons, the business underwent a complex reorganization and ultimately was acquired by a United States-based trust….

Discipline, Not Termination, More Appropriate in Case of Single Incident of Misconduct

In a case that has garnered much attention, Barton v. Rona Ontario Inc., the Ontario Superior Court has found that discipline of a managerial employee would have been a more effective sanction than termination where that employee, in a single incident of misconduct, breached the employer’s health and safety rules. At the time of the…