Update on COVID-19 for Employers: Ontario to Amend the ESA to Protect Jobs

Today, the Ontario government announced that it will be introducing legislation to amend the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (ESA) in light of COVID-19. In addition, the federal government announced, among other things, that the Canadian border will be closed to foreign nationals, with some exceptions.

Ontario Introduces Plan to Reform Home and Community Care Services

On February 25, 2020, the Ontario government tabled Bill 175, Connecting People to Home and Community Care Act, 2020 (Bill 175). The legislation is intended to improve funding and access to home and community care for patients.

FTR Quarterly – Issue 15

In This Issue: Protection in the Face of Employee Fraud, Key Human Resources Decisions in in 2019 and Cases to Monitor in 2020 and more!

Appellate Court Finds Waiver of Common Law Notice Valid, Considers Continuity of Service under ESA

In Ariss v NORR Limited Architects & Engineers, the Ontario Court of Appeal upheld a decision of a motion judge who considered the appellant’s entitlements under the common law and the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (ESA) upon termination. Background In 1986, the appellant began employment with a company which was sold to the respondent employer…

Bill 66 Passes, Amends ESA, LRA and PBA

On April 3, 2019, Bill 66, Restoring Ontario’s Competitiveness Act, 2019, received Royal Assent. Bill 66 is omnibus legislation which amends various statutes, including the following employment-related statutes: Employment Standards Act, 2000 (ESA) The ESA has been amended to remove the need for employers to obtain the approval of the Director of Employment Standards in…

Reaching Out – Fourteenth Edition

Dear Friends, Welcome to our Winter 2019 edition of Reaching Out. The last 18 months have been a tumultuous time in employment law in Ontario. We saw the introduction of sweeping changes to the Employment Standards Act, 2000 and Labour Relations Act, 1995 in January 2018, only to see many of them repealed in January…