As the 2019 – 2020 school year draws to a close, it would be an understatement to say that the year did not go as expected. From the hurried transition to online learning to the ongoing adjustment to the “new normal” of synchronous learning, we know that our clients have successfully navigated unprecedented and difficult challenges – and that there will be more to come.
Tag: Family Status
Appellate Court Reviews “Family Status” Test
The British Columbia Court of Appeal recently clarified the meaning and scope of the term “family status” in Envirocon Environmental Services, ULC v. Suen. This case confirmed the Campbell River test, which imposes a higher standard for establishing discrimination than the often-cited Federal Court of Appeal test in Johnstone, adding to the “family status” interpretation…
An Update on the Status of Family Status – Just in Time for Family Day
In a recent decision released by the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario, the Tribunal found that an employer discriminated against the Applicant, a personal support worker, by failing to accommodate her special childcare needs. The Tribunal found that the Applicant’s employment was terminated at least in part because she was unable to offer more flexible hours due to her childcare obligations. The Tribunal awarded a remedy of $30,000 in compensation for injury to the Applicant’s dignity, feelings and self-respect.
Tribunal Rejects the Johnstone Test for Establishing Family Status Discrimination in New Eldercare Case
In a significant recent decision relating to eldercare accommodation, the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (Tribunal) indicated its intention to depart from the test for family status discrimination outlined by the Federal Court of Appeal in Canada (Attorney General) v. Johnstone and Canadian National Railway v. Seeley…
Accrual of Service or Seniority Based on “Days Worked” is Not Discriminatory, Tribunal Rules
The Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (HRTO) recently issued a decision of particular interest to employers with groups of employees who, although covered by a collective agreement, accrue service…
Appeal Court Upholds $20,000 Damages Award for Discrimination on the Basis of Family Status
In this latest decision which considers discrimination on the basis of family status due to childcare issues, the Court of Appeal for Ontario upheld a trial judge’s finding that an appellant employer breached both the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (“ESA”) and the Human Rights Code (“Code”) when it terminated the employment of the respondent employee…
Is an Employer Required to Accommodate an Employee’s “Personal Choice” to Breastfeed?
In Flatt v. Canada (Attorney General), a case that has garnered media attention, the Federal Court of Appeal upheld a decision that found an applicant who requested accommodation to breastfeed her child during working hours failed to meet the test for establishing prima facie discrimination. The Court held this request involved the applicant’s “personal choice” – not…
Federal Court Confirms “Family Status” Applies to Mother-in-Law
In Canada (Attorney-General) v. Hicks, the Federal Court held that the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal (“CHRT”) did not err when it found that Human Resources and Services Development Canada (“HRSDC”) discriminated against Mr. Hicks in refusing to approve expenses associated with maintaining temporary dual residences after a relocation from Halifax to Ottawa. After Mr. Hicks…
Supreme Court of Canada On Pregnancy and Parental Leave Top-Ups
The Supreme Court of Canada recently upheld a decision of a British Columbia arbitrator which had found that denying birth mothers entitlement to parental supplemental employment (“SEB” or “top-up”) benefits where they had received pregnancy SEB plan benefits was discriminatory. The issue before the arbitrator turned on an interpretation of the collective agreement in place…
2015 Winter Edition
FOCUS ON KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT Inside knowledge management: how it benefits you LEGAL DEVELOPMENTS Top ten legal developments of 2014 The 2015 compliance challenge PROFILE From northern frontier to eastern shores Download PDF