HRTO Decision Clarifies Family Status Accommodation Test and Finds Reasonable Investigation Conducted

In Ananda v. Humber College Institute of Technology & Advanced Learning, a recent decision of the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (Tribunal), the Tribunal confirmed its approach to assessing claims of family status discrimination (in this case, involving eldercare) and described some of the features of a picture-perfect human rights investigation…

An “Uncomfortable” Workplace Interaction – or Harassment and Discrimination under the Human Rights Code?

In dismissing this human rights application as having no reasonable prospect of success, Vice Chair Hart made helpful comments with respect to the Human Rights Code (Code) and the role of the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (Tribunal) in dealing with “uncomfortable” workplace interactions. In short, the decision stands for the proposition that, depending on…

Landlord Required to Give Additional Notice to Tenants as Religious Accommodation

The Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (Tribunal) has recently found that a landlord’s statutory right to show an occupied rental unit with 24 hours’ notice may be limited by a tenant’s requests for accommodation. In Madkour v. Alabi, a Muslim married couple (the Applicants) rented an apartment in the home of the landlord (the Respondent)….

Guelph and District HRPA Employee Relations Peer Networking Meeting

Topic Attendance Management Programs and Avoiding Legal Pitfalls The one hour session will review the issues related to developing and implementing an Attendance Management Program.  This often raises problems with union grievances, or human rights complaints, therefore a good understanding of the human rights code and accommodation principles, as well as some WSIB and ESA…