Setting up Shop in Canada? What U.S. Employers Need to Know About Canadian Labour Law – Part 1 [Video]

In this series, David Bannon walks through some key differences in labo(u)r law that U.S. employers should know when buying, selling or operating a business in Canada. In this instalment, David discusses the governing regimes for labour relations in Canada, the timing of the union certification process and an employer’s duty to disclose certain information to a trade union.

Federal Post – First Edition

Dear Friends, We are excited to bring to you our first edition of the Federal Post, a newsletter designed exclusively for federally regulated employers. The Federal Post discusses issues that are topical, timely and important. It will cover the gamut of matters which impact your workplace, from human rights to minimum standards to labour relations…

Elimination of Federal Card Check Union Certification and a Lower Threshold for Union Decertification Votes

Effective June 16, 2015, significant reforms to the existing federal union certification and decertification processes will come into effect as a result of key amendments to the Canada Labour Code, the Parliamentary Employee and Staff Relations Act and the Public Service Labour Relations Act. These amendments were enacted by Bill C-525, Employees’ Voting Rights Act, Private…