
In this hands-on, interactive workshop, we will review the tools needed to address and manage disability and accommodation issues in the workplace.

Speaking Engagement

Navigating uncertain times requires knowledge and understanding of current legal trends. In this half-day session, Nadine Zacks, Njeri Damali Sojourner-Campbell and Colleen Nevison will discuss new legislation such as disconnecting from work and legislative changes for federally regulated employers, post-pandemic protocols such as remote work and hybrid work, and other subjects of interest including terminations, human rights and vaccine mandates.

Speaking Engagement

Designed by a multidisciplinary faculty of leading experts, this comprehensive, practical and skills-based Osgoode Certificate explores topics related to the legal and technology issues in eDiscovery, best practices for the preservation of evidence, forensics essentials, information governance strategies, critical updates in privacy, cybersecurity and AI as they relate to information management, and more.


Managing mental health issues in the workplace poses a considerable challenge to employers, who are often required to navigate difficult questions around employee privacy, employment preferences, and workplace rules and expectations with the duty to accommodate.

Speaking Engagement

In this three-day labour relations seminar, we—along with fire chiefs from across the country and renowned guest speakers—will provide insight and guidance on a wide range of labour relations issues currently impacting the fire service.

Speaking Engagement

Ontario’s Bill 27, the Working for Workers Act, 2021, has proposed several amendments to the Employment Standards Act, 2000. Major changes include the prohibition of non-compete agreements, new licensing requirements for temporary help agencies and recruiters, and the adoption of a right-to-disconnect policy for employers with 25 or more employees.

Speaking Engagement

The OBA’s full-day program will review the latest developments in litigating an employment law file. Expert faculty will review both the foundational law and emerging issues. The program includes a focus on litigation strategy, providing you with the necessary skills and best practices you need to successfully represent your clients at every stage in the litigation process.


Due to the existence of hiring halls and the general less permanent nature of the employment relationship in the construction industry, many accommodation and re-employment obligations get overlooked. This session will address some of those obligations so you can learn how to avoid costly errors in respect to your own company.