Accommodating Medical Marijuana

Accommodating medicinal cannabis requires balancing an employee’s rights under the Human Rights Code with an employer’s obligations under the Occupational Health and Safety Act to take every precaution reasonable in the circumstances for the protection of workers. These obligations are especially pronounced in workplaces that include safety-sensitive positions.

Federal Government Tables 2019 Budget Bill

On April 8, 2019, the federal government introduced Bill C-97, Budget Implementation Act, 2019, No. 1, for first reading. Bill C-97 is omnibus legislation enacting certain measures outlined in the 2019 Federal Budget. Below are some of the key amendments of interest to employers, pension plan administrators and human resources professionals.

Important Changes to Policing in Ontario

By Glenn Christie
With the passage of Bill 68, Comprehensive Ontario Police Services Act, 2019 (Act), on March 26, 2019, policing in Ontario is set to undergo some important changes. These changes are not limited in their effect to police service boards, police associations and individuals who work in policing. They are also very important for municipalities and the wider community.

ESA Compliance Checklist

Employers are required to comply with the minimum standards set out in the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (ESA). In this Checklist, we provide a general overview of an employer’s ESA compliance obligations, along with checklists to assist you in assessing your degree of compliance.

Coverage for Medical Cannabis under Ontario’s Workers’ Compensation System [Video]

The legalization of recreational cannabis, which came into effect on October 17, 2018, has raised many questions for employers about cannabis use in the workplace, as well as potential coverage of cannabis under benefit plans. In this video, Mariana Kamenetsky and Kathryn Meehan talk about coverage for medical cannabis under Ontario’s workers’ compensation system.

Federal Budget 2019 – Something for (Almost) Everyone?

On March 19, 2019, the federal government tabled its 2019 Budget, “Investing in the Middle Class.” This is an election year, and there is a wide array of initiatives sprinkled throughout the Budget, covering many groups and sectors. There is something for (almost) everyone. In this FTR Now, we focus on the key employment, labour, executive compensation, pension and employee benefits announcements of most interest to employers, human resources professionals, plan sponsors and administrators.