Action for Constructive Dismissal as a Result of Workplace Harassment Statute-Barred by WSIA

The Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals Tribunal (WSIAT) has held that a civil action for constructive dismissal based on alleged workplace harassment and bullying was statute-barred under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997 (WSIA) and could not proceed.

Assurer une célébration du temps des fêtes en toute sécurité

La saison des fêtes est un temps de célébration. Pour plusieurs d’entre nous, cela peut comprendre des célébrations du temps des fêtes dans le milieu du travail. Tous les employeurs, grands ou petits, devraient s’assurer de prendre le temps de créer un plan visant à créer un environnement sain et sécuritaire pour les employés et les invités qui participeront à ces célébrations.

Ontario Announces Financial Incentives For “Safe Employers”

On November 22, 2019, the government of Ontario unveiled Supporting Ontario’s Safe Employers. This is an initiative which will formally recognize and provide financial incentives to employers who have successfully implemented an occupational health and safety management system in their workplace. Ontario’s Chief Prevention Officer will accredit successful employers. The government states that this program…

Looking Forward to 2020

In our year-end Federal Post, we review changes to federal labour and employment laws which are anticipated to come into force in 2020. We also provide a quick update on some unjust dismissal cases of note. As always, our best wishes for a happy holiday season. Incoming Legislative Changes in 2020 The past few years…

IIROC-Regulated Employers Now Subject to New Cybersecurity Incident Reporting Obligations

As of November 14, 2019, investment dealers engaged in trading activity in Canadian markets (Dealer Members) that are regulated by the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC) are now subject to new stringent reporting obligations for cybersecurity incidents. These new rules are the result of amendments to Rules 3100 and 3703 of the IIROC Rules that apply to all Dealer Members.

Ensuring a Safe Holiday Party

The holiday season is a time for celebration. For many of us, this may include workplace celebrations. All employers, big or small, should ensure that in addition to traditional party logistics, they take the time to develop a plan for providing a healthy and safe environment for employees and guests at any workplace celebrations.

Ontario’s Bill 132 Referred to Committee, Includes Proposed Amendments to PBA

On November 7, 2019, Bill 132, Better for People, Smarter for Business Act, 2019 (Bill 132), passed Second Reading and was referred to the Standing Committee on General Government. Bill 132 is omnibus legislation which, if passed, will amend a number of statutes, including the Ontario Pension Benefits Act (PBA). Proposed amendments to the PBA…

Advantage CPD: As the World Turns – Legislative/Case Law Updates in Labour and Employment Law

In a fast paced review, we will examine federal and Ontario legislative changes followed by a review of new risks and liabilities arising out of some recent noteworthy decisions rendered by tribunals, arbitrators and the courts. Before turning to your questions, we will close with a “To Do” list summarizing the learnings.

Canadian Association of Insurance Reciprocals: 2019 Annual Members Meeting

Shivani will discuss effective strategies to respond to current issues arising in the workplace including the legalization of cannabis as well as the development and implementation of both whistle blower policies and codes of conduct. Shivani will touch on the implications of medical marijuana in workplaces generally, addressing the duties of employers to accommodate its use while ensuring a safe working environment.