Grant R. Nuttall

Grant’s practice is advocacy-focused and includes collective bargaining, labour disputes, grievance arbitrations, wrongful dismissal, human rights and accommodation, and employment standards. He works across the public and private sectors with a focus on the broader public sector.

Sean M. Reginio

Sean collaborates with clients as they navigate complex issues involving workplace accommodation, mental health law, union organizing drives, disciplinary investigations and Education Act obligations for trustees and administrators. He regularly delivers training sessions and presentations regarding a variety of workplace issues including workplace harassment, management/union relations, employee terminations and attendance management.

“Non-Construction” Employer Deeming Provision under LRA Now in Force

On April 3, 2019, Bill 66, Restoring Ontario’s Competitiveness Act, 2019, received Royal Assent. Among other things, the Bill amends the Labour Relations Act, 1995 (LRA) to deem certain public sector entities as “non-construction” employers to whom the construction provisions of the LRA will not apply. Such entities include municipalities, local housing corporations, social services…

Ontario Health and Safety Regulations Amended

On June 10, 2019, the Ontario government filed a number of amendments to regulations made under the Occupational Health and Safety Act. O. Reg. 186/19 replaces the “Equivalency” provision of Regulation 851 (Industrial Establishments) with a new provision entitled “Alternative methods and materials.” It now requires employers to provide written notice to the joint health…

Ontario Clarifies DB Funding Reforms under the Pension Benefits Act

On May 21, 2019, the Ontario government filed Regulation 105/19 amending Regulation 909 (General Regulation) under the Pension Benefits Act (PBA). The amendments mainly relate to clarifying elements of the defined benefit (DB) funding rules that took effect on May 1, 2018. Many of the new clarifications have been requested by the pension industry over…

Ontario Budget Bill (Bill 100) Passes

As previously reported, on April 11, 2019, the Ontario government released its 2019 Budget and introduced Bill 100, Protecting What Matters Most Act (Budget Measures), 2019. Bill 100 received Royal Assent on May 29, 2019. Of particular interest to employers and human resource professionals are the amendments made to the following statutes: Public Sector Labour…