Ontario Human Rights Commission Publishes Inquiry Report on Sexual & Gender-Based Dress Codes

One year after releasing a new policy on sexualized and gender-specific dress codes, the Ontario Human Rights Commission (Commission) has released findings from its inquiry into related practices at certain large restaurant chains operating in the province. Learn more about it in this FTR Now

School Board Update

Ontario Proposes Key Reforms to the Framework for Collective Bargaining in the Education Sector

Significant proposed reforms to the existing framework for collective bargaining in the education sector may change the way school boards and unions negotiate agreements – and could impact the outcomes achieved at the table. Find out what may be in store…


Labour Relations Impact of Ontario’s Proposed New Child and Family Services Framework

Change is coming to your current service delivery model. Legislation recently proposed by the Ontario government to repeal and replace the Child and Family Services Act will enhance existing accountability and compliance rules…


Addiction Defence to Theft of Hospital Opioids Not a “Get Out of Jail Free Card”

Theft of opioids by an employee who subsequently asserts a substance abuse problem can be a particularly challenging workplace issue for healthcare sector organizations. But in this most recent case, the arbitrator upheld a just cause discharge as an appropriate disciplinary response…