In this annual labour relations seminar, we—along with Ontario fire chiefs and renowned guest speakers—will provide insight and guidance on labour relations issues currently impacting the fire service.
Training & Events
Speaking Engagement
Ontario Public School Boards’ Association (OPSBA): 2023 Education Labour Relations and Human Resources Symposium
April 27, 2023 - April 28, 2023The OPSBA Education Labour Relations and Human Resources Symposium features informative keynote speakers, panels and workshops on managing human resources issues in the media, workplace investigations, safe schools, collective bargaining, social media in the workplace, employment equity and employee wellness.
Speaking Engagement
Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs (OAFC): 2023 Labour Relations Seminar
January 24, 2023 - January 26, 2023In this three-day labour relations seminar, we—along with fire chiefs from across the country and renowned guest speakers—will provide insight and guidance on a wide range of labour relations issues currently impacting the fire service.
Speaking Engagement
The 2022 OAPC Spring Education and Labour Relations Symposium will be taking place in person and online this year.