A recent ruling underscores the importance of procedural fairness in administrative tribunal proceedings, especially when dealing with vulnerable applicants. In this Case in Point, Mariana Kamenetsky reviews the case, the court’s analysis and the decision. https://
Human Resources Legislative Update
On April 14, 2021, Bill 238, Workplace Safety and Insurance Amendment Act, 2021, received Royal Assent and came into force. Bill 238 amends the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997 (WSIA) to add a calculation rate for the 2021 calendar year (or such later date as prescribed by regulation) for the Workplace Safety and Insurance…
Human Resources Legislative Update
On May 19, 2020, Bill 191, Workplace Safety and Insurance Amendment Act (Presumption Respecting COVID-19), 2020 was tabled by a Private Member and carried on First Reading in the Ontario Legislature.
As provinces begin to roll out reopening plans for non-essential businesses, the logistical challenges of implementing social distancing in some workplaces mean that many employees will continue to work from home for the foreseeable future. As companies consider which employees will be asked to return to the workplace, and when, the legal considerations and risks associated with work from home arrangements should be taken into account.
Human Resources Legislative Update
The Ontario government has announced the easing of restrictions that will allow specific businesses to resume activity. The incremental changes will come into effect over the next week…
In this FTR Now: Province allows businesses to reopen; Ontario announces workplace health and safety guidance; Ontario expands the list of essential workers eligible to receive free emergency child care; Further amendments to the Employment Insurance Act and New Canada Emergency Student Benefit; and more!
FTR Views
The legalization of recreational cannabis, which came into effect on October 17, 2018, has raised many questions for employers about cannabis use in the workplace, as well as potential coverage of cannabis under benefit plans. In this video, Mariana Kamenetsky and Kathryn Meehan talk about coverage for medical cannabis under Ontario’s workers’ compensation system.
Case In Point
The Divisional Court has upheld a decision of the Grievance Settlement Board (Board) that found that it did not have jurisdiction to award damages as a remedy for grievances alleging workplace bullying and harassment as the alleged injuries would be compensable under the Workplace Safety and Insurance, 1997 (WSIA). In Ontario Public Service Employees Union…
HR HealthCheck
Welcome to our first edition of HR HealthCheck, a publication geared to issues of specific interest of our clients in the healthcare sector. We hope you find the information set out below on the new presumptive entitlement for nurses who experience post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) helpful and informative. We look forward to bringing you more updates in the future.