The Federal Court of Canada determined a class action that sought to address alleged systemic anti-Black racism and discrimination simply did not meet the procedural criteria to certify the action as a class proceeding. In this Common Ground, Hicks Morley’s Sean Reginio and Eleanor Vaughan examine the Court’s analysis.
Case In Point
The Ontario Superior Court of Justice has granted an interlocutory injunction to end an encampment on the University of Toronto’s Front Campus. The Court found that the University’s Governing Council, as the property owner, has the ultimate right to determine the land’s use. In obiter, the Court also reiterated that the Charter does not apply…
Common Ground? Class Action Updates
In Curtis v. Medcan Health Management Inc., Justice Perell of the Ontario Superior Court reined in the scope of the plaintiffs’ proposed discovery plan and constrained the scope of the certified common issues in an ongoing employment class action. This class action relates to an allegation of unpaid vacation and public holiday pay. As we…
Common Ground? Class Action Updates
Class action proceedings often end in negotiated settlements. Those settlements (which must be approved by a court) can be significant in monetary terms. In Manuge v. Canada, the Federal Court recently approved the settlement of a class action arising from the alleged miscalculation and underpayment of disability pension benefits for members and veterans of the…
Raising the Bar
Raising the Bar – Year-End Edition
· 17 min readAs we welcome the holidays, we thought it would be a perfect time to share our latest edition of Raising the Bar. We hope you enjoy it and have some well-deserved time off over the holiday break. In this issue, we review i) the threshold Ontario courts expect employers to meet in justifying terminations for…
Common Ground? Class Action Updates
This post relates to an important procedural aspect of the class proceedings regime. In Somani v. International Financial Group Ltd., the Ontario Superior Court of Justice granted the plaintiffs’ motion to discontinue a proposed class action related to allegedly unpaid overtime, vacation, public holiday and premium pay. After commencing the claim, issues arose with the…
Case In Point
Justice Perell, writing for the Ontario Superior Court of Justice in the ongoing Heller v. Uber class action, required a robust Notice Plan and Notice of Certification to be provided that clearly sets out sufficient information to allow class members to make an informed decision about whether or not to exercise their right to opt-out…
Human Resources Legislative Update
With the key public health indicators improving and the Omicron variant beginning to retreat, the Ontario government has announced that public health measures imposed to contain the spread of COVID-19 will be eased, effective February 17 and March 1, 2022. The province has announced that it intends to lift proof of vaccination requirements and all…
The Ontario Superior Court has refused to stay the implementation of two mandatory workplace COVID-19 vaccination policies, pending the outcome of grievance arbitrations challenging the validity of those policies. On November 20, 2021, the Court rendered its decision in Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 113 et al v. Toronto Transit Commission and National Organized Workers Union…
Raising the Bar
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a broad-ranging impact on employment law since March 2020. Now that we are 18 months into the pandemic, employers may find it helpful to have a check-in on how Canadian courts have, to date, considered the impact of the pandemic on wrongful dismissal claims arising from layoffs and terminations during…
Case In Point
In Curtis v Medcan Health Management Inc., Justice Perell of the Ontario Superior Court refused to certify a proposed class action related to vacation and statutory holiday pay, finding that a class proceeding would not be the preferable procedure for the resolution of common issues. The Ontario Employment Standards Act (ESA) requires that employees receive…
Case In Point
The Ontario Superior Court recently considered the interaction of the Infectious Disease Emergency Leave Regulation (IDEL Regulation) made under the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (ESA)and a claim for constructive dismissal at common law. In Coutinho v. Ocular Health Centre Ltd., the Court dismissed the employer’s position that the IDEL Regulation constituted a defence to a…
Raising the Bar
For the first time in nearly three decades, significant changes have been made to Ontario’s class proceedings regime. The amendments to the Class Proceedings Act, 1992 (Act)came into effect on October 1, 2020 and are significant in terms of their substance and scope, modifying many key provisions of the existing Act and adding nearly a dozen more.
Human Resources Legislative Update
Recent reforms to Ontario’s class action regime will come into effect on October 1, 2020. Ontario’s Smarter and Stronger Justice Act, 2020 (Act), which received Royal Assent on July 8, 2020, amends various statutes related to the province’s courts and justice system. Schedule 4 of the Act makes significant revisions to the Class Proceedings Act,…