2311 Results

Siobhan O’Brien Quoted in TVO Article on Transgender Rights Bill C-16

TVO quoted Siobhan O’Brien in a May 30, 2017 article titled “Everything you need to know about the transgender bill.” Bill C-16 proposes to include gender identity and gender expression as prohibited grounds for discrimination under the Canadian Human Rights Act and hate speech provisions under the Criminal Code. By including “gender identity” and “gender…

What Does the Future Hold? The CPP Enhancement

The first major re-design of the CPP in many years is set to be phased in starting in 2019 when higher employer and employee contributions kick in. The stated intention of the enhancement is to boost retirement income in light of concerns that Canadians are not saving enough for retirement, but the full effect of the enhancement won’t be felt until the next generation of workers retires…

Ontario to Introduce Significant Amendments to Employment and Labour Laws

On May 30, 2017, the Ontario government announced its intention to introduce The Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act, 2017 (Act), omnibus legislation proposing a series of broad ranging, significant amendments to Ontario’s Employment Standards Act, 2000 and Labour Relations Act, 1995. According to the government’s announcement, the Act will contain a package of proposed legislative…

Natasha Monkman Quoted in Canadian HR Reporter on the Ontario Government Covering Prescription Drugs for Residents Under 25

Canadian HR Reporter quoted Hicks Morley’s Natasha Monkman in a May 29, 2017 article titled “Ontario to cover prescription drugs – with no co-pays – for residents under 25”. The article reviews the latest budget announcement where Ontario will be covering prescription medicines for residents age 24 and under as of. January 1, 2018, and how this new measure could save employers 10 per cent on claim costs…

Workplace Safety and Insurance Act Amended to Allow Benefit Entitlement for Chronic Mental Stress

The government’s budget implementation legislation, Bill 127, Stronger, Healthier Ontario Act, recently received Royal Assent. Bill 127 includes amendments to the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997 (WSIA) to allow entitlement to chronic mental stress for workplace injuries that occur on or after January 1, 2018. Previously, subsections 13(4) and (5) of the WSIA and…

Changing Workplaces Review Final Report – Focus on Employment Standards

In this, our third update related to the Changing Workplaces Review Final Report (Final Report), we focus our discussion on the recommendations related to the Employment Standards Act, 2000. While many of the recommendations relate to proposed changes to specific standards, the Final Report contains a strong emphasis on compliance measures, comprised of both education…

Changing Workplaces Review Final Report – Focus on the Labour Relations Act, 1995

In this update related to the Final Report of the Special Advisors under Ontario’s Changing Workplaces Review (Final Report), we focus on the recommendations made by the Special Advisors regarding changes to the Labour Relations Act, 1995 (LRA). While some of the key issues we identify in our discussion overlap with recommendations relating to the…

Changing Workplaces Review – Final Report Issued

Earlier today, the government issued the long-awaited final report from the Changing Workplaces Review, entitled An Agenda for Workplace Rights (Final Report), which was prepared by the government-appointed Special Advisors Mr. Justice John Murray and Mr. Michael Mitchell. The Special Advisors were mandated to consider the changing nature of the workplace, the causes behind those…

L’examen portant sur l’évolution des milieux de travail – Publication du Rapport final

Le 23 mai 2017, le gouvernement a publié le très attendu rapport final découlant de l’Examen portant sur l’évolution des milieux de travail. Ce rapport, intitulé Un programme pour les droits en milieu de travail (le « Rapport final »), a été préparé par les conseillers spéciaux nommés par le gouvernement, soit M. le juge John Murray…