1008 Results

Human Resources Legislative Update

Ontario’s Proposed New Anti-Racism Standards

· 6 min read

As we previously reported, the Ontario Anti -Racism Act (ARA) came into force on June 1, 2017. One of the purposes behind the ARA is to allow certain organizations to collect information that will be used to identify and monitor systematic racism and racial disparities for the purpose of eliminating systemic racism and advancing racial…

Human Resources Legislative Update

The Ontario government posted a description of proposed regulations on March 20, 2018 enabling it to implement the variable benefit (VB) provisions applicable to defined contribution (DC) plans under the Ontario Pension Benefits Act (PBA). Background – DC Decumulation Currently, Ontario members of DC plans who have terminated their employment with the plan sponsor and…

Human Resources Legislative Update

On April 1, 2018, amendments to the Employment Standards Act, 2000 regarding equal pay for equal work will come into force. Among other things, the provisions prohibit employers from paying different rates of pay to their employees because of a difference in employment status, where the employees perform substantially the same kind of work in…

Human Resources Legislative Update

On March 15, 2018, the Ontario Legislature was prorogued and an announcement made that the new session of the Legislature would open with a Throne Speech on Monday March 19, 2018. As a result of the prorogation, any Bills which were not passed died on the order paper, including Bill 203, the Pay Transparency Act,…

Human Resources Legislative Update

On March 6, 2018, the Ontario government introduced Bill 203, Pay Transparency Act, 2018, which creates certain requirements for employers regarding compensation information and its disclosure to employees and potential employees. If passed, Bill 203 would, among other things: prohibit employers from seeking the compensation history regarding a potential employee, although that person may voluntarily…

Human Resources Legislative Update

In March, 2018, the Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO) will commence a targeted review of pension plan member option statements to verify compliance with key requirements under the Pension Benefits Act (Act) and FSCO policies. In particular, FSCO will focus its targeted review on whether plan administrators are: meeting requirements for statement content and…

Case In Point

The Ontario Superior Court has found that an investment firm defamed one of its former traders when it filed a Notice of Termination (NOT) with the securities regulator indicating the trader’s employment had been terminated for failing to follow trading policies and engaging in unauthorized trading. The Court concluded that there was no cause for…

Case In Point

In R. v. Kazenelson, the Ontario Court of Appeal recently upheld the conviction and the sentence imposed on a project manager who had been found guilty under the Criminal Code for criminal negligence causing death and criminal negligence causing bodily harm, arising from the collapse of a swing stage in 2009. The appellant project manager…

Human Resources Legislative Update

Organizations which provide healthcare and are governed by the Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA) should note that recent amendments to PHIPA require health information custodians (HICs) to file an annual report disclosing all security incidents involving theft, loss and unauthorized use or disclosure of personal health information to the Information and Privacy Commissioner. At…

Human Resources Legislative Update

The Right to Be Forgotten Comes to Canada

· 3 min read

On January 26, 2018, the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada issued a new position on the protection of online reputation. In doing so the OPC recognized a right to have personal information de-indexed from search engine results if it is inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date. Although the position is in draft, is nonetheless of…