Remaining COVID-19 Orders to be Revoked

The Ontario government has filed a regulation which will revoke all remaining COVID-19 regulations (Orders) made under the Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19) Act, 2020, effective April 27, 2022. This action is further to the government’s previous announcement of its intention to lift all remaining COVID-19 measures, directives and Orders by this date….

Anoushka Zachariah

Anoushka provides advice to employers and management in both the private and public sectors on a wide range of labour and employment issues. Having previously represented both employers and employees, Anoushka is uniquely positioned to assist employers in navigating a broad range of workplace matters including wrongful dismissals, discrimination, employment contracts and employment standards.

Federal Budget 2022 Tabled

On April 7, 2022, the federal government tabled its 2022 Budget, “A Plan to Grow Our Economy and Make Life More Affordable.” The Budget covers a wide array of initiatives, and while housing, defence and climate change are its key focus areas, the Budget includes some proposals that will be of specific interest to employers,…

HRTO Finds Availability of Different Remedies under a Different Proceeding not Determinative of Whether Substance of HRTO Application had been Appropriately Dealt With  

In Green v National Steel Car Ltd., the Human Rights Tribunal Ontario (HRTO) found that the Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals Tribunal (WSIAT) has the direct authority to apply the Human Rights Code (Code) and to determine the appropriate accommodation of medical restrictions. The application before the HRTO on the same issue, therefore, had been…

Making the Call: Police Involvement in Student Misconduct Matters

What are the legal obligations of school boards under the Ontario Human Rights Code and the Education Act when considering police involvement in student misconduct and misbehaviour? This interactive webinar addresses these questions from a human rights and equity-informed perspective.

Ontario Revokes More COVID-19 Orders

On March 24, 2022, the Ontario government revoked certain Orders made under the Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19) Act, 2020 (ROA), effective March 28, 2022. The remaining ROA Orders have been extended to April 27, 2022. This action is further to the province’s current plan to lift all remaining directives, Orders and measures…

Osgoode Professional Development: Mental Health Law for Children and Youth

OsgoodePD’s annual program brings together legal, healthcare, mental health, education and law enforcement professionals for a comprehensive one-day update of essential, current and emerging issues in mental health law for children and youth, together with practical legal advice on how to deal with them.