Sexual Harassment Incident Response Workshop

Your new hire is alleging that she was sexually harassed by the VP Sales Canada at an industry event – and before you can investigate, the incident goes viral. You know how to run an investigation, but how will you manage everything else about the incident? And what happens when things go off the rails?

FTR Quarterly – Issue 15

In This Issue: Protection in the Face of Employee Fraud, Key Human Resources Decisions in in 2019 and Cases to Monitor in 2020 and more!

Action for Constructive Dismissal as a Result of Workplace Harassment Statute-Barred by WSIA

The Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals Tribunal (WSIAT) has held that a civil action for constructive dismissal based on alleged workplace harassment and bullying was statute-barred under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997 (WSIA) and could not proceed.

Advantage CPD: As the World Turns – Legislative/Case Law Updates in Labour and Employment Law

In a fast paced review, we will examine federal and Ontario legislative changes followed by a review of new risks and liabilities arising out of some recent noteworthy decisions rendered by tribunals, arbitrators and the courts. Before turning to your questions, we will close with a “To Do” list summarizing the learnings.

Canadian Association of Insurance Reciprocals: 2019 Annual Members Meeting

Shivani will discuss effective strategies to respond to current issues arising in the workplace including the legalization of cannabis as well as the development and implementation of both whistle blower policies and codes of conduct. Shivani will touch on the implications of medical marijuana in workplaces generally, addressing the duties of employers to accommodate its use while ensuring a safe working environment.