Hicks Morley’s Andrew Zabrovsky was quoted in the September 14, 2015 Law Times article entitled “Employers urged to prepare for new AODA requirements.” The article focuses on the January 1, 2016 deadline for organizations to comply with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. Andrew feels that employers “can’t wait for December to roll around…

Hicks Morley’s Stephanie Jeronimo and Julia Nanos co-authored two articles in the summer edition of ECHO, a newsletter published by the Ontario Municipal Human Resources Association. In the first article, entitled “New ESA Provisions now in Effect (Don’t Forget about the Posters!)“, the new rules are reviewed and the impact they will have on municipal employers. In…

An article authored by Hicks Morley’s Jodi Gallagher Healy was published in the December 29, 2014 edition of Benefits Canada. The article entitled, “How to maintain a workplace free of sexual harassment” outlines the legislative compliance requirements, a checklist for compliance, necessary communication and training an employer should provide its employees, and discusses the complaint resolution…

An article authored by Hicks Morley’s Mark Mason and Stephanie Jeronimo was published in the Winter 2014/2015 edition of EMS Matters. The article entitled, “Accommodating Mental Health Disabilities: What are Employers Obligated to Do?” discusses the importance of the duty to accommodate within the workplace. Mark and Stephanie address key issues that employers in the…

The Ontario Bar Association published an article authored by Hicks Morley’s Jacqueline Luksha in their May 28, 2014 edition entitled, “The Duty to Investigate Workplace Complaints Under the Ontario Human Rights Code…Is hind-sight really 20/20?” In the article, Jacqueline discusses lessons learned from Scaduto v. Insurance Search Bureau, including the importance of employers carrying out…

Hicks Morley’s Andrew Zabrovsky has was interviewed by Global News on Thursday, May 8, 2014 on workplace accommodations in light of the Federal Court of Appeal’s recent ruling to uphold its Canada (Attorney General) v. Johnstone decision. In Global News‘ video and accompanying article entitled “Court says employers must try to accommodate parents child-care obligations”…